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December 1, 2017, issue of 'AOPA ePilot' weekly newsletter

VOL 19, ISSUE 48 December 1, 2017
Click here for this week's custom content.
Top Stories
Drone collisions with aircraft modeled
The first study to use computer modeling to simulate midair collisions between manned and unmanned aircraft reveals that the structural damage a drone collision can cause is more severe than expected. (Photo by Regis Duvignau, Reuters.) Read more >
Cessna unveils SkyCourier twin turboprop
Textron Aviation announced the new Cessna SkyCourier 408 Nov. 28. The high-wing, twin-engine, utility turboprop has a base price of $5.5 million and is expected to enter service in 2020. Read more >
Carbon Cub EX–3, FX–3 debut
CubCrafters introduced the experimental Carbon Cub EX–3 and FX–3 models that feature a 186-horsepower CC363i fuel-injected, four-cylinder engine and increased payload, range, speed, and utility over its previous models. Read more >
AOPA Live This Week
Skydive into a Pilatus; Vision transition
A pair of wingsuit experts jump off a mountain and into an airplane in flight, a daring feat made for video. An app in testing would allow pilots to request instrument clearances and receive releases on mobile devices. Also this week, fly the Cirrus Vision Jet. Watch AOPA Live This Week®, Nov. 30 >
AOPA Fly-Ins
'A sense of community'
From Connecticut to California, from the Oklahoma heartland to Florida's Gulf coast, general aviation pilots connected with thousands of their closest friends during the fourth year of AOPA Fly-Ins in 2017. Read more >
Technique and Safety
PilotWorkshops debuts 'VFR Communications' manual
Cessna Six Papa Whiskey is in trouble. The engine is making strange noises, and it's dark outside. The pilot requests a vector from air traffic control to any airport with pavement and lights. See how the scenario ends in PilotWorkshops' new VFR Communications manual. Read more >
Sidestepping the question
The snow has stopped, and the approach controller is advising that the destination's precision-approach runway is temporarily closed for plowing. The cleanup should be completed before you arrive—but what happens if it isn't? Read more >
Login required
Preflighting a wintry mix
Would you take off with snow, frost, or ice clinging to your aircraft? The AOPA Air Safety Institute's Wing Contamination quiz explores cold weather flying issues and options for staying safe. Take the quiz >
Beware when to flare
Want to nail the perfect landing? The AOPA Air Safety Institute shares an easy technique in its new Safety Tip: Greasing the Landing video. See why timing is everything. Watch the video >
Extra engine, extra power?
A second engine provides peace of mind on a long cross-country flight. But it also can spell trouble if one engine quits. In Taming the Twin: Four Rules for Safe Multiengine Flying, the AOPA Air Safety Institute offers proactive steps to help ensure a safe outcome on every multiengine flight. Watch the video >
GA sets new safety record
General aviation has never been safer, according to data released Nov. 21 by the National Transportation Safety Board. Read more >
App could deliver IFR clearances to mobile devices
AOPA is encouraging the FAA to promptly field test technology being developed to electronically transmit pre-departure air traffic control clearances to pilots' mobile devices. Read more >
Aviation groups back plan to update airport grants
Airports have $32.5 billion worth of improvement projects eligible for federal grant funding over the next five years, but can expect to receive only half of that amount unless Congress takes action. Read more >
Pilot Protection Services
Getting new medications to market and the cost to pilots
Pilots have two agencies looking out for them to ensure medications are safe to take while flying: the Food and Drug Administration and the FAA. The big questions for aviators are will a new medication be on the "safe to use medication list," will it be affordable, and will your insurance company pay for it? Read more >
Headsets 'rumble' to enhance pilot safety
University of North Dakota researchers developed Smartsealz, a wearable technology that attaches to a headset and vibrates during deviations from course or altitude to get the pilot's attention. Read more >
'They all do that'
If an A&P dismisses a mechanical discrepancy saying, "They all do that" or "It's the nature of the beast," Opinion Leaders blogger Mike Busch says that should be a "big red flag," and he urges aircraft owners to seek an expert second opinion. "Doing so might just save your bacon," he counsels. Read more >
Award-winning AOPA app reaches 10,000 users
More than 10,000 aviation enthusiasts have downloaded the AOPA app, which recently won an award from the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts. Read more >
2018 Bahamas, Caribbean guides available
AOPA has redesigned its comprehensive AOPA Pilot Guides for the 2018 Bahamas and Caribbean editions, which are on sale now. Read more >
Online contest
Check out the ultimate holiday aviation wish list
AOPA's editors hand-selected some of their favorite aviation-themed items for a gear guide in the December issue of AOPA Pilot. We narrowed the list down to six great holiday gifts. Choose your favorite item for the chance to win them all! A winner will be announced Dec. 17. Enter now >
The antidote to glitz
When you visit Palm Beach, Florida, land at Palm Beach County Park Airport, also known as Lantana. You'll enjoy bizjet service even if you have an ancient little Cessna or Piper. Read more >
Big snow at an uber-luxe cowboy town
Rising dramatically above Wyoming's Jackson Hole, the jagged peaks of the Tetons somehow make everything more special. Read more >
'Gitche Gumee' getaway
A wintertime flight to Grand Marais in the farthest reaches of Minnesota can be the launching point of a fabulous cold-weather vacation. Read more >
Hartzell Engine Technologies acquires cabin heater line
Hartzell Engine Technologies announced the purchase of South Wind aircraft cabin heater assets from Meggitt (Troy) Inc. in an acquisition expected to improve support for aircraft owners affected by an airworthiness directive. Read more >
News and Notes
Power loss preceded Bugatti crash
Scotty Wilson fought to control his one-of-a-kind Bugatti 100P replica after the forward propeller lost power just after liftoff Aug. 6, 2016. A factual report by the NTSB, and another report prepared by his team, offer a detailed account. Read more >
Daring jump video goes viral
The Soul Flyers, a wingsuit skydiving duo sponsored by Red Bull, jumped from a Swiss mountain and into an airplane in flight, documenting the feat in a video that drew nearly 2 million views on YouTube in less than three days. Read more >
Alabama honors famous pilots
Three pilots who grew up in the same Alabama town but followed different paths to becoming star performers on the airshow circuit will have a homecoming of sorts next spring when they are inducted into the Alabama Aviation Hall of Fame. Read more >
Online resource
Tips to prevent aircraft corrosion
Preventing aircraft corrosion is much easier than treating it. Learn how to reduce the effects of corrosion and prevent its onset in this AOPA subject report.
FAA alerts aircraft operators to fire extinguisher recall
The FAA is urging pilots, mechanics, and operators of general aviation aircraft to determine if a recalled Kidde fire extinguisher is installed in their aircraft, and replace it with an airworthy fire extinguisher. Read more >
Career Opportunities
AOPA career opportunities
Join the AOPA team
Ever dream of turning your passion for aviation into a career? AOPA is looking for a medical certification specialist, aviation safety analysis manager, insurance account executive, High School Aviation Initiative coordinator, customer service representative, accounting clerk, administrative clerk, legislative affairs vice president, and airports and state advocacy vice president. Learn about AOPA career opportunities >
Question of the Week

You're considering buying a drone for your child for Christmas and are concerned about the FAA’s registration requirements for recreational use. Must you register this expensive gift?
If the drone is flown for recreational purposes there is currently no need to register it with the FAA; however, legislation recently passed by Congress will likely reinstate the registration requirement for hobbyists after the bill is signed by the president, as expected. For more information about flying as a hobbyist, see the FAA website.

Got a question for our technical services staff? Contact AOPA.
Education & Seminars
Flight Instructor Refresher Courses
Dec 2-3 Denver, Colorado; and Northbrook, Illinois
Dec 9-10 Lake Mary, Florida
Jan 6-7 Charlotte, North Carolina; and Santa Clara, California
Jan 13-14 Portland, Oregon; Costa Mesa, California; Alcoa, Tennessee; and Renton, Washington
For a complete schedule, see AOPA Online. Can't make it in person? Sign up for the AOPA Air Safety Institute's Online eFIRC.
Safety Seminars
Jan 10 Fairfax, Virginia
Jan 15 Reno, Nevada; and Houston, Texas
Jan 16 Sacramento, California; and Houston, Texas
Jan 17 Milpitas, California; and San Antonio, Texas
Topics vary—for details and a complete schedule, see AOPA Online.
Rusty Pilots Seminars
Dec 2 Winter Haven, Florida; Martell, California; Independence, Oregon; and Panama City, Florida
Dec 9 Murrieta, California; Scottsdale, Arizona; West Chicago, Illinois; Mineola, Texas; New Cumberland, Pennsylvania; and San Diego, California
Dec 16 Oxford, Iowa; and Middleton, Wisconsin
AOPA Rusty Pilots Seminars are sponsored by Sporty's. For a complete schedule, visit the AOPA Hangar. (Log in to the AOPA Hangar using your AOPA website username and password to view these events.)
Aviation Calendar
Want something to do this weekend? Planning an aviation getaway? See AOPA's enhanced calendar of events. You can filter events, add an event, or search all events in the calendar. (Log in to the AOPA Hangar using your AOPA website username and password to search the events or to add an event.) Before you take off on an adventure, make sure you check our current aviation weather provided by Jeppesen.
For airport details, including FBO fuel prices, see AOPA Airports. AOPA does not endorse or assume responsibility for the events submitted and listed in the calendar.
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ePilot Editors:
Alyssa J. Cobb
Jim Moore
Dan Namowitz
David Tulis

Production Team:
Elizabeth Linares
Melissa Whitehouse
Mike Collins
Sarah Deener
Dave Hirschman
Tom Horne
Warren Morningstar
Jill W. Tallman
Ian J. Twombly
Julie Summers Walker
Advertise in ePilot:
Gary Brennan, 301/695-2052

Eastern and Central United States and International:
Jeff Rockwood, 301/695-2089

Western United States:
Tom Linton, 301/695-2055

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