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After the Checkride: Fly for Charity

Take some kids for a first flight

Charitable flying is highly fulfilling for pilots and passengers alike. A free flight event for children, such as those coordinated by the Experimental Aircraft Association’s Young Eagles program, is a great way to get started. And who knows? By igniting that aviation spark, you may help to create another generation of pilots. EAA has requirements for participating pilots, which include completing a youth protection policy training session and background check. See the website for more information.
January Preflight
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January Preflight

If asked to participate in a fundraising flying event, you’ll need to do a little more homework. FAR 91.146, Passenger-carrying flights for the benefit of a charitable, nonprofit, or community event, applies to “penny a pound” flights and similar events. The regulation has several stipulations for pilots and sponsors—but if you can meet the requirements, you’re sure to delight your passengers by giving them a taste of aviation that many people never experience.

Jill W. Tallman
Jill W. Tallman
AOPA Technical Editor
AOPA Technical Editor Jill W. Tallman is an instrument-rated private pilot who is part-owner of a Cessna 182Q.

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