AOPA President Mark Baker and a strong contingent of AOPA’s front-line airport advocates will be on hand when the California Pilots Association presents CalPilots AirFest 2017 Oct. 13 and 14 at the historic San Carlos Airport.
Baker will help open AirFest activities at the beautiful Bay Area airport on Oct. 13 as the keynote speaker at a wine and food reception with a town hall feeling, starting at 5 p.m. Baker and CalPilots are eager to engage with the pilot community and learn directly from pilots about the issues they consider top priorities for protecting airports and airspace.
Famous Sutter County Airport cheesesteak sandwiches will be on the menu at a lunch put on at noon by the Sutter County Airport Association.
Next up will be several airport advocacy workshops on topics including starting a CalPilots chapter; keeping your CalPilots chapter registered; and a status update on the CalPilots Disaster Airlift Response Team (DART) Network.
Many regional volunteers of AOPA’s Airport Support Network program are expected to attend, giving pilots chance to get acquainted with the people on the front line of AOPA’s efforts to advocate for GA pilots, and the airports they use and support.
CalPilots AirFest 2017 is sponsored by ACI Jet. Reserve your spot at CalPilots AirFest today.