A temporary flight restriction will be in effect in Charlotte, North Carolina, on March 2 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. for the funeral of evangelist Billy Graham, who died Feb. 21 at age 99.
President Donald Trump is expected to be among 2,300 invited guests at the private funeral at the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte. The funeral will be streamed live online, according to the Billy Graham Evangelist Association website.
The VIP TFR will be centered at a point at 1.7 nautical miles from the Charlotte VOR/DME on the 088-degree radial and will consist of a 10-nm inner core and a 30-nm outer ring from the surface to and including 17,999 feet msl.
Aircraft operations within the 10-nm inner core are prohibited except for law enforcement and security aircraft, and other operations specified in the notice to airmen.
Aircraft operating in the outer ring during the TFR’s effective time will be limited to “aircraft arriving or departing local airfields, and workload permitting,” according to the TFR notam. Air traffic control may authorize transit operations. Aircraft may not loiter and must be on an active IFR or filed VFR flight plan with a discrete code assigned by ATC. Aircraft must squawk the discrete code prior to departure, and at all times while in the TFR airspace. They also must remain in two-way radio communications with ATC.
An additional TFR will be in effect from 2 to 4 p.m. on March 2, centered at a point 1.7 nm from the Charlotte VOR/DME on the 088-degree radial, to a radius of 5 nm, to and including 2,999 feet msl, in which all operations will be prohibited except aircraft arriving and departing Charlotte International Airport, law enforcement aircraft, and other operations as described in the TFR notam.
Pilots are urged to check notams frequently before operating in the TFR airspace for changes that can occur with little notice to the effective times or dimensions of the TFRs.