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March 16, 2018, issue of 'AOPA ePilot: Flight Training Edition'

VOL 18, ISSUE 11 March 16, 2018
Training Tips
Sponsored by Aircraft Spruce
A marginal decision
With pressure to make a flight in challenging weather, what would be your go/no-go decision? Read more >
Flight Training News
Article survey predicts aviation industry growth
After analyzing hundreds of aviation-industry survey responses, jobs site predicted aviation job growth would double in 2018 compared to 2017. Read more >
Aviation professor bridges real, artificial worlds
Western Michigan College of Aviation Associate Professor Lori Brown harnessed augmented reality technology to make learning come alive for students. Read more >
Flight Training magazine
Five questions for Quest Kodiak's Mark Brown
Quest Kodiak demo pilot Mark Brown might have the best job in aviation. Find out how he got started in aviation and what advice he has for students. Read more >
Login required
Winter warm-up
Tired of the cold? This AOPA Air Safety Institute quiz can help, and you can test your instrument skills at the same time. Take the quiz >
Hayward Air Rally 2018 scholarship winners announced
Students Sabrina Sutter of California and Jackson Bellard of Nevada have won the Hayward Air Rally's EAA Advanced Air Academy summer camp scholarships to further their interest in aviation. The eight-day camps teach students about fundamentals of flight, aircraft systems, weather, navigation, and more.
NATA's Taylor flight training scholarship deadline approaching
The National Air Transportation Association's $1,500 Richard L. Taylor Flight Training Scholarship is available to college students enrolled in a flight program through a college or university who plan to become professional pilots. The funds can be applied to one year of full-time undergraduate study. Apply by March 30.
AOPA Live This Week
Fairchild love story; Rescue drones
A Fairchild 24's remake brings a payoff measured in smiles more than miles. Also this week, a drone company brings affordable air support—and a manned aviation mindset—to first responders in Alabama. Watch AOPA Live This Week®, March 15 >
Training Products and Resources
Online resource
Airspace ABCs
Clip this handy AOPA Air Safety Institute card to your kneeboard for a glimpse of airspace communication requirements and weather minimums. Download the card >
Free 'Plotting your course' brochure
The free downloadable "Plotting your course" fold-out brochure from Aviation Supplies and Academics helps pique the interest of aspiring aviators by displaying a wealth of information about earning a pilot certificate. The resource explains requirements, typical costs, time commitments, flight school options, and more.
Note: Products listed have not been evaluated by ePilot editors unless otherwise noted. AOPA assumes no responsibility for products or services listed or for claims or actions by manufacturers or vendors.
Member Benefits
Strategic Partner created content
Sirius kicks off March Weather Madness
Check out these deals on the Garmin GDL® 52 portable SiriusXM®/ADS-B Receiver, including a three-month trial, $200 rebate, and one-year free AOPA membership when you purchase before March 31! Learn more >
Member Benefit
Financing an LSA trike
Pilots interested in purchasing a weight-shift light sport aircraft can turn to AOPA Aviation Finance Co. for a loan. Read more >
Pilot Protection Services
It's all noise
What does it mean when an air traffic controller advises, "Noise abatement procedures in effect"? Read more >
Member benefit
Borrower beware
When you borrow a friend’s aircraft, the risk is more on you than on the aircraft owner. Here's what you should know >
Inside an airline pilot's initial operating experience
Your initial operating experience—your first of several trips in an airplane under the watchful eye of a check airman—can be an exciting yet nerve-wracking time. Airline pilot and Flight Training blogger Chip Wright gives you the scoop. Read more >
Instrument Tip
AOPA Premier Partner created content
Caught on camera: Lost comm in IMC
Flying in instrument conditions with 40-knot headwinds, heavy precip, and a healthy dose of turbulence pushed this pilot to the edge. Then electrical gremlins knocked out his radio, turning this challenging flight into a dangerous lost comm situation. Cameras caught it all. Watch the video >
Plane Spotter
Alarus's allure
Plane spotters go to great lengths to add new-to-them makes or models of aircraft to their spotting logs. Sometimes the aircraft that provides an opportunity to make a novel sighting may be found right at the home airport—especially if a flying club or flight school is based there. The two-place, low-winged 115-horsepower Alarus CH2000 resembles a Grumman Tiger with a Piper Cherokee's constant-chord wing. Its true identity is revealed if you observe an Alarus with cabin doors swept upward in the gull-wing style.
Final Exam

I recently requested VFR flight following from air traffic control while in Class E airspace. When I requested termination of radar service, the controller responded "unable" and said I had to remain with him for 15 more miles. Isn't the pilot in charge of flight following?
Once you have requested ATC services, no. ATC can hold on to you, even after you request termination, and you must comply with all instructions and clearances until ATC terminates your flight following and authorizes you to squawk 1200 once again. Normally, the controller will turn you loose upon request, but is not obligated to do so.

Did you know that student pilots who join AOPA are three times more likely to complete their flight training? Membership includes unlimited access to aviation information by phone (800-USA-AOPA, weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern time) or from AOPA Online. Got a question for our technical services staff? Contact AOPA.
Career Opportunities
Aviation job board
Job of the week: Dean of aviation, West Michigan Aviation Academy
West Michigan Aviation Academy in Grand Rapids, Michigan, is seeking a dean of aviation to oversee all aspects of aviation at the school. The position includes responsibilities focusing on instructional leadership, personnel administration, and representing WMAA in the community. Candidates must have a demonstrated passion for aviation, work experience within the aviation community, and at least a bachelor's degree. Read the full description and apply today >
AOPA career opportunities
Join the AOPA team
Ever dream of turning your passion for aviation into a career? AOPA is looking for a facilities technician, High School Aviation Initiative manager, aviation program operations coordinator, Air Safety Institute assistant editor, Salesforce developer, marketing coordinator, business analyst, member services representative, Pilot Information Center intern, Flying Clubs Initiative intern, Air Safety Institute intern, information technology intern, and marketing intern. Learn about AOPA career opportunities >
Education & Seminars
Flight Instructor Refresher Courses
Apr 7-8 Atlanta, Georgia; Salt Lake City, Utah; and San Diego, California
Apr 14-15 Indianapolis, Indiana; and Dedham, Massachusetts
Apr 21-22 Aurora, Colorado; Dulles, Virginia; and Tampa, Florida
May 5-6 Hollywood, Florida; Albany, New York; and Conroe, Texas
For a complete schedule, see AOPA Online. Can't make it in person? Sign up for the AOPA Air Safety Institute's Online eFIRC.
Safety Seminars
Mar 19 Ypsilanti, Michigan; and Monroe, North Carolina
Mar 20 Independence, Ohio; and Fletcher, North Carolina
Mar 21 Columbus, Ohio; and Greensboro, North Carolina
Mar 22 Batavia, Ohio; and Morrisville, North Carolina
Topics vary—for details and a complete schedule, see AOPA Online.
Rusty Pilots Seminars
Mar 17 Searcy, Arkansas
Mar 24 Lynchburg, Virginia; Rome, Georgia; Cheektowaga, New York; Huntingburg, Indiana; and Lake Havasu City, Arizona
Mar 31 Corpus Christi, Texas; and Panama City, Florida
Apr 7 Renton, Washington; Fort Myers, Florida; Truckee, California; and Saint Marys, Pennsylvania
AOPA Rusty Pilots Seminars are sponsored by Sporty's. For a complete schedule, visit the AOPA Hangar. (Log in to the AOPA Hangar using your AOPA website username and password to view these events.)
Aviation Calendar
Want something to do this weekend? Planning an aviation getaway? See AOPA's enhanced calendar of events. You can filter events, add an event, or search all events in the calendar. (Log in to the AOPA Hangar using your AOPA website username and password to search the events or to add an event.) Before you take off on an adventure, make sure you check our current aviation weather provided by Jeppesen.
For airport details, including FBO fuel prices, see AOPA Airports. AOPA does not endorse or assume responsibility for the events submitted and listed in the calendar.
© 2018 Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
421 Aviation Way Frederick, MD 21701
301-695-2375 Fax
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ePilot Flight Training Editors:
Alyssa J. Cobb
Jim Moore
Dan Namowitz
David Tulis

Production Team:
Elizabeth Linares
Melissa Whitehouse
Mike Collins
Sarah Deener
Dave Hirschman
Tom Horne
Warren Morningstar
Jill W. Tallman
Ian J. Twombly
Julie Summers Walker
Advertise in ePilot:
Gary Brennan, 301-695-2052

Eastern and Central United States and International:
Jeff Rockwood, 301-695-2089

Western United States:
Tom Linton, 301-695-2055

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