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Hidden costs

I just read Ian Twombly’s article in the May issue of Flight Training (“Live the Dream”). He forgot to mention calculating the real ongoing costs of ownership before you decide to go the ownership route.

There are fewer underwriters for aircraft insurance these days and rates are escalating—often independent of aircraft type, age, and pilot experience. The more unusual and interesting the aircraft, the less likely you will be able to “shop” for insurance.

Is a hangar available near you? How much is hangar rental, $200 to $500 a month? A tiedown is cheaper until you realize how much abuse the elements wage on your investment. If you have to travel to get to your hangared aircraft, a quick trip around the patch or a short cross-country for breakfast or lunch can easily turn into most of a day. Do you have the time?

Much like used cars, older airplanes need constant maintenance. Does your airport have an independent airframe and powerplant mechanic, or is it an FBO? What about avionics? What are the hourly rates, $75 to $150? And don’t forget any required annual inspections or periodic condition inspections, $750 to $1,200 per year. Can you do an owner-assisted inspection to reduce that cost?

Successful aircraft ownership requires both passion and resources.

Karl Oesterle
Orchard Park, New York


“Airplane Math that Matters” (June 2020 Flight Training) omitted a credit for the graph plotting power loading and wing loading of general aviation aircraft. The graph, by Catherine Cavagnaro, originally appeared in “The Perfect Aircraft (for the Mission)” in September 2019 AOPA Pilot. Flight Training regrets the omission.

We welcome your comments. Please email [email protected]. Comments will be edited for style and space.


Form and function
Modern antennas come in many different shapes and sizes.

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