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Membership: What can we do for you?

AOPA’s member services call center has the answers

Did you know that there are two dedicated call centers at AOPA for members?
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One is staffed by pilots who can answer your aviation-related questions (AOPA’s Pilot Information Center) and the other is dedicated to helping you get the most out of your membership. Staffed by nine experienced member service specialists, the AOPA Member Services department helps new members, students, and long-term members alike with questions such as: how can I apply for scholarships? What’s in my member benefit package? How do I get the magazines in digital format? How can I take advantage of member discounts from AOPA partners? Where do I find the flight planning tools? Another big question: How do I reset my password? There are so many options and benefits to your AOPA membership that a call to Member Services will open a whole new world of possibilities to you, especially as a student pilot. Find out about our free six-month trial membership; discover travel and flight planning possibilities; learn about the legal and medical protection offered to members; and take advantage of our online courses. And, if you have a question about AOPA or its activities outside of membership, Member Services will direct your call to the right person in the right department. Member Services representatives are available Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern time toll-free at 800-872-2672.

We’re here to serve you!

From questions about any of our memberships, events, products, and services to questions about any of the publications, initiatives, and countless benefits AOPA has to offer, the Member Services team is here to make your experience with AOPA a truly great one. Our sole purpose is to give you the support you need, and we strive to provide the level of service that our members deserve.

  • Responds to more than 62,000 calls per year.
  • 18,000-plus emails answered.
  • 5,500 chats initiated online.

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