Now available, custom You Can Fly countertop displays filled with the special publication were distributed to more than 900 of the most active flight schools in the United States.
For those arriving at their local flight school dreaming about becoming a pilot, the publication sheds light on what to expect—from their first introductory flight in a general aviation airplane through initial training. Flight Training’s editors detail the steps to becoming a pilot, different career options, aircraft they can fly, gear they’ll need, pilot lingo, medical certification standards, the cost of flight training, and more.
Additionally, the You Can Fly issue contains an offer for a free AOPA student pilot trial membership. The free membership includes a subscription to Flight Training magazine (print or digital), the Flight Training weekly newsletter, an enhanced members-only website with premium aviation training content, and a student pilot helpline for one-on-one support.
“The Flight Training team had a lot of fun putting this special issue together. We tried to think of all the questions someone interested in learning to fly might ask—and provided straightforward answers with plenty of colorful illustrations and amazing photography,” said Kollin Stagnito, editor of the magazine. “Based on the positive feedback we received from flight schools last year, we’re confident these special issues are achieving their goal of encouraging future pilots.”
If you know of someone who might be interested in learning to fly, encourage them to access a digital version of the You Can Fly issue at Flight schools that did not receive a countertop display can request one, while supplies last, at [email protected].
By Craig Brown
Q: Must a flight instructor hold a tailwheel endorsement in order to conduct training in a tailwheel airplane?
A: The answer to this question depends on what type of training is to be conducted. Keep in mind that the endorsements in FAR 61.31 are required to serve or act as pilot in command in various types of aircraft. If the instructor is not, or does not need to act as PIC, an endorsement is not required.
To conduct a flight review for a current pilot in a tailwheel airplane, an instructor need not have a tailwheel endorsement. In this case, the pilot receiving the flight review can still act as PIC. If the pilot’s flight review has expired, however, the instructor must serve as PIC and must therefore hold a tailwheel endorsement. The same is true if the instructor is to teach pilots seeking a tailwheel endorsement. Since the pilot training to receive a tailwheel endorsement does not have one, the instructor must have a tailwheel endorsement.
It should also be noted that the regulation exempts certain pilots from endorsement requirements. For example, if a pilot had logged pilot-in-command time in a tailwheel airplane prior to Tax Day 1991, an endorsement is not required. For those with no logged PIC time in tailwheel airplanes prior to that date, an endorsement must be obtained to act as PIC.
AOPA receives regular inquiries regarding an instructor’s authority to conduct various training operations. AOPA’s Pilot Information Center is available to assist on any regulatory question. If you have one, give us a call at 800-872-2672, visit, or email [email protected].
Craig Brown is a senior aviation technical specialist in the AOPA Pilot Information Center.