At some point between your first solo and your checkride, you’ll be going out on your own to practice maneuvers and polish your skills. It’s an exciting time. But for many student pilots it’s not as much fun as it should be.
Why is that? Well, everyone has a flight maneuver that they don’t…you know…really don’t like all that much. For some it’s stalls. For others it’s soft-field landings. For others, ground reference work. I promise you that all aviators have some maneuver that they are not keen on.
Will this add flight time and therefore extra expense? I don’t think so, and here’s my logic: If learning is painful, then it’s slow. If you only focus on maneuvers you don’t enjoy, it actually takes longer to master them and it creates a self-imposed learning plateau. If you maintain joy instead, and sandwich unpleasant tasks between pleasant tasks, it keeps the entire flight uplifting (mentally and aerodynamically). You’ll be in a good headspace that will prime you for learning, and you will master the unpleasant maneuver more rapidly than if you just went flying and metaphorically beat your head against a wall in the sky.
So warm up with a maneuver you enjoy—and are good at—before tackling maneuvers that you don't enjoy or have trouble mastering. When done with the hard work, go back and finish off the session with something you are strong at and love. Go fly and enjoy your recipe for a successful solo sandwich.