I was just reading Jill W. Tallman’s article “You’re On The Air.” I enjoyed the article very much—well done! I was excited to hear about the VatSim subscription in the “Ways To Improve” section. Just wanted to give you a heads up, certainly not a huge deal, but I found this community under VatSim.net instead of .com.
Molly Lane
Spicewood, Texas
A student of mine pointed out that your March/April 2023 article “You’re On The Air” provided fairly bad examples of planned radio transmissions that needlessly included the word “to” in multiple places. This is bad advice, leads to confusions that can be dangerous, and is not in line with AC 90-66B section 10.4.
Robert Newman
Groton, New York
We welcome your comments. Please email [email protected]. Comments will be edited for style and space.
Notice of annual meeting of members
The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association annual member meeting will be held at 9 a.m. on Thursday, May 18, 2023, at AOPA headquarters, 421 Aviation Way, Frederick, Maryland, 21701, located at the Frederick Municipal Airport (FDK), for the purpose of electing trustees. AOPA’s CEO will also give a report/update on the state of general aviation.
While not required, if you plan to attend, we would appreciate your RSVP to [email protected]. If you are not able to attend, but would like to appoint your voting proxy, please visit aopa.org/proxyupdate or use the QR code below. You may also do so by calling 800-872-2672. —Justine A. Harrison, Secretary
Update voting proxy here