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Training and Safety Tip: Post-maintenance flight

If you own an airplane that recently underwent maintenance, consider certain factors before making your first post-maintenance flight.

AOPA Air Safety Institute
Photo by Chris Rose.

If a mechanic is available to accompany you on the flight, that is ideal. The mechanic may hear, see, or smell something unusual before you do. In the absence of a mechanic, a CFI or other experienced pilot would be good to bring along and help identify abnormalities.

The airplane may have been grounded for an extended period, depending on what the issue was that warranted maintenance. If that’s the case, ask questions about how the airplane was maintained during the time it didn’t fly. There are negative impacts on airplanes that sit too long. For example, corrosion and rust could affect the engine components and airframe, water could be present in the oil or fuel, and birds or insects may have occupied the aircraft.

The preflight to prepare for the first post-maintenance flight should be thorough and relate to what type of maintenance was performed. For instance, if parts of the aircraft were removed it’s important to look closely for anything that was not re-attached correctly.

Depending on the air temperature, you may want to preheat the engine to ensure starting it does not stress it. Of course, follow the prescribed steps for your aircraft and engine.

Before taking off, rehearse the steps you will take to abort the takeoff if anything seems abnormal. Once airborne, it’s best to climb to altitude over or near the airport so you are able to return to it quickly if there is a mechanical issue. And it may be smart to make this a short flight so you can stay in the local area. If there is any unusual indication from the engine, run your emergency checklist while returning to the airport.

AOPA Air Safety Institute Safety Spotlights cover a variety of online topics on aging aircraft, aircraft systems, and emergency preparedness. In addition, review these FAA online resources about preflighting and flying an airplane post-maintenance: Advanced Preflight After Maintenance, Preflight After Maintenance, and Approval for Return to Service.

ASI Staff
Kathleen Vasconcelos
Kathleen Vasconcelos is an instrument-rated flight instructor and a commercial pilot with multiengine and instrument ratings. She lives in New Hampshire.
Topics: Flight Instructor, Aircraft Systems, Emergency
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