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Check your notams

AOPA-issued presidential TFR alerts

Temporary flight restrictions (TFRs) are regulatory measures that restrict or prohibit access to certain areas of airspace for a limited time.

Designated by the FAA, these transitory areas vary in dimension and associated restrictions based upon the event prompting the TFR and are communicated to pilots via notices to air missions (notams). There are all sorts of TFRs, the largest of which by far are the VIP presidential TFRs, which typically boast a 30-nautical-mile radius and extend up to 18,000 feet msl. These restricted areas can pop up on short notice, suddenly extend in duration, and unlike stationary TFRs can change location as they follow the movements of the U.S. president,. Busting a TFR can land you in a world of hurt, and the consequences of violating a presidential TFR are particularly severe.

We’ve all heard a horror story or two: A young pilot putters along in familiar airspace on a beautiful day and, having forgotten to check notams prior to their flight, suddenly finds they are flying formation with military aircraft (services unsolicited) notifying them they are flying in restricted airspace. The forgetful pilot is then escorted on what I’ll coin as “the flight of shame” to the nearest suitable airport. The bureaucratic nightmare only begins here. The consequences can include suspension or revocation of your certifications, a $100,000 fine, civil penalties, and up to a year in a federal slammer. 

A surefire way to fly sans armed intercept through areas where these presidential TFRs may appear is to simply review notams before every flight by checking the FAA’s TFR map (, utilizing reputable flight planning apps, calling flight service, and/or requesting VFR traffic advisories (flight following). For further peace of mind, all AOPA members are automatically opted in to receive AOPA’s presidential TFR email alerts which provide pilots with pertinent information. These alerts are sent to members who live 250 nautical miles or closer to the center of a given presidential TFR and are followed up with time and location updates by our senior aviation technical specialists should changes occur. The alerts are provided courtesy of AOPA and should not be solely relied upon, but rather considered a supplement to your preflight planning.

[email protected]

Chad Jones, AOPA Pilot magazine managing editor, is shown at Frederick Municipal Airport in Frederick, Maryland, May 6, 2024. Photo by David Tulis.
Chad Jones
Managing Editor, Publications
Chad Jones joined AOPA in March 2024. He is a high-performance-endorsed private pilot pursuing his tailwheel endorsement and instrument rating, and a certificated remote pilot.

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