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October 24 issue of Flight School Business

VOL. 13-ISSUE 22-October 24, 2023
How unprepared students reduce checkride capacity
With designated examiner slots taking weeks to schedule, what can you do to make sure your customers are prepared for the big day? A lot, says Designated Pilot Examiner Jason Blair. Some of it comes down to communication among the flight instructor, student, and DPE. Blair gives other suggestions on how to maximize DPEs' availability. READ MORE ›
EPA releases final avgas emission endangerment statement
The Environmental Protection Agency has issued a report saying lead emissions to air from certain aircraft engines cause or contribute to air pollution, which may reasonably be anticipated to endanger public health and welfare. The finding reiterates the need for what the industry is already working for: a safe and smart transition to an unleaded future. AOPA President Mark Baker said the finding does not mean that 100LL is going away before there are viable alternatives. He said it also does not mean that airports should stop offering 100LL, as that would compromise safety and hinder commerce. READ MORE ›
FAA clarifies low-G maneuver training in Robinson helicopters
The FAA has issued a notice of proposed rulemaking that seeks to clear up conflicting safety and training requirements regarding low-G maneuvers in Robinson R22 and R44 helicopters. The rule would revise the special federal aviation regulation that stipulates training and experience requirements for Robinson R22 and R44 helicopters, effectively removing the low-G dual flight instruction requirement to align with current airworthiness directives, aircraft placard requirements, and the limitations outlined in the pilot's operating handbook. READ MORE ›
Sporty's launches enhanced flight training courses
Sporty's Pilot Shop has enhanced its pilot training courses for 2024 with new videos, interactive training resources, study materials, and lifetime updates. Updates include lessons about runway safety and wake turbulence, as well as segments on utilizing digital and paper charts. Sporty's has also added new hands-on resources that include interactive simulators, chart quizzes, and systems simulations that include pitot tube or static port failure modes. READ MORE ›
FAA updates policy on designee terminations
The FAA has updated its policy on how it manages representatives of the agency including designated pilot examiners and has decided that there will be a panel review prior to termination of a designee. The FAA can rescind a designation at any time for any reason considered appropriate. Those who are terminated for cause (for example, for performance deficiencies, lack of integrity, misconduct, or similar reasons) are now eligible for a review panel to determine if the termination was appropriate. When that's done, the panel has 45 days to submit a recommendation. Final decision of the termination or reinstatement is left to the manager or appointing official following the review. READ MORE ›
Rotary wing training
Does your flight school offer helicopter training? Tell us in this week's poll.
In the October 10, 2023, issue, we wanted to know whether your flight school markets a professional pilot program. Here are the results.


Flight School Business
Add 'business mode' to your social media checklist
Like confirming trim before takeoff, having your thinking positioned correctly prior to rolling out a social media posting mission will help with effort performance and audience impact. READ MORE >
"Sometimes your routine gets thrown out by a big game or series, and you have to get control to bring it back," says Major League Baseball All-Star Cal Ripken Jr. In this article from, Ripken offers lessons in grit, persistence, and steadfastness that are just as applicable to the challenges faced by small business owners. Read more here.
AOPA Air Safety Institute refreshes Safety to Go program
New downloadable PowerPoint presentations are available for the AOPA Air Safety Institute’s Safety to Go program. The program provides popular seminar and webinar topics to the aviation community, including decision making, radio communications, emergency procedures, and collision avoidance. Each download comes with a complete PowerPoint presentation file and presenter notes to help deliver topics easily and effectively. New topics and materials will be added throughout the year. Access Safety to Go here.
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Flight School Business Editor:
Jill W. Tallman
Production Specialist:
Sylvia Horne
Advertising and Sales Specialist:
Donna Stoner
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