The FAA has issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) that would expand the Lycoming crankshaft airworthiness directive (AD) to an additional 325 aircraft. The rule would require replacing the crankshaft in certain Lycoming 360-series engines that were built or overhauled after March 1, 1999.
"Lycoming has told AOPA that it has already repaired nearly 80 percent of the engines that it was able to identify from the first AD," said Luis Gutierrez, AOPA director of regulatory and certification policy. "It appears they'll be able to work quickly on this latest batch." (See Lycoming's service bulletin to determine if your aircraft is included.)
This proposed AD is a continuation of the problem that affected high-powered, large-bore turbocharged Lycomings three years ago. Those crankshafts weren't strong enough, and now Lycoming has determined that crankshafts made with the same process used in lower-powered engines could also have problems.
Lycoming will pay for replacing the crankshaft and shipping the engine to and from Lycoming's Williamsport, Pennsylvania, factory to accomplish the work. The company will also pay a reasonable amount for the labor involved to remove and reinstall the engine.
The AD calls for compliance within the next 50 hours or six months, whichever comes first.
January 6, 2006