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AOPA is interested in your feedback on ePilot. We are constantly striving to make it more interesting and useful to you. Please take a few minutes to share your feedback. Today's Top StoriesFAA reauthorization measure introduced in SenateFrom the beginning of the year, AOPA has urged the adoption of an FAA reauthorization measure to ensure the stable funding needed for important modernization efforts to move forward. Now, legislation in the Senate would fund the FAA for two years. Read a special message from AOPA President Craig Fuller >> Subcommittee members assess GA security measures Collaboration with general aviation stakeholders is improving recent Transportation Security Administration security measures, members of the House Homeland Security Committee's transportation and infrastructure protections subcommittee said in a hearing July 15. Subcommittee chairwoman Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) expressed concern and questioned existing GA security measures. The questions were based on a 2007 Houston television news story in which reporters were able to gain access to three local GA airports. In May 2009, the Department of Homeland Security Office of the Inspector General released a report that examined the TSA’s role in GA security. The report concluded that the threat posed by GA was limited. Read more >> Morgan Freeman adds his voice to GA Serves AmericaPilot/actor Morgan Freeman is joining Harrison Ford as a spokesman for the GA Serves America campaign to educate the public and decision-makers about the important role GA plays in the national economy and transportation system. AOPA recently taped a TV ad with Freeman in his hometown of Clarksdale, Miss. (birthplace of the blues). He also talked about flying with AOPA Pilot Editor in Chief Tom Haines. Watch the interview, the TV ad, and a behind-the-scenes look at why Freeman volunteered for GA Serves America. GA Serves America: Cowboy Cadillac States have power to protect GA, AOPA tells lawmakersState lawmakers can help protect the vital general aviation industry, AOPA Vice President of Airports and State Advocacy Greg Pecoraro told members of a national association of state legislators July 15. Pecoraro addressed Transportation Committee members at the annual meeting of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) in Atlanta, Ga., with a talk entitled “General Aviation Serves America: How States Can Protect and Promote this Critical Industry.” He discussed the challenges aviation faces at the state and local level and examples of how good and bad state legislation can affect the industry. Read more >> AOPA worked to try to ensure fair CBS storyA recent CBS News story on stimulus spending at general aviation airports criticized the funding of "little-used airports or ones catering to recreational flyers, corporate jets, and remote communities." AOPA was made aware of the story by the president of the Williamson Flying Club, who was included in the CBS story, and worked with him in advance of the interview, providing him with statistical information to help explain the value of GA airports and the importance of infrastructure improvements at smaller airports. The association also reached out to the producer of the CBS story, offering the association’s assistance, but CBS chose to interview the Department of Transportation (DOT). Read more >> Will the Commander rise again? Textron confirms Columbus cancellationTextron informed the Securities and Exchange Commission on July 9 that it will write off $43 million in expenses on Cessna’s large Citation Columbus development program. Overall, Textron has invested $50 million in tooling and facility costs related to the Columbus program. Read more >> Funding bills differ on loran, but not on GA securityThe Senate on July 9 passed an appropriations bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security for fiscal year 2010. A conference committee will now work out the differences between the Senate and House versions of the bill, including whether to continue to fund the loran (long-range navigation) system as a potential backup to GPS. Meanwhile, the Appropriations Committee reports on both the Senate and House versions of the bill included language commending the TSA for working with stakeholders to develop a modified rule for its Large Aircraft Security Program. Read more >> Pilots encouraged to conduct preflight RAIM checksPilots who use some GPS units without WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System) capabilities are encouraged to add a new task to their preflight list—RAIM checks. The U.S. Terminal and En Route Area Navigation (RNAV) Operations, Advisory Circular AC90-100a, recommends that pilots check RAIM (receiver autonomous integrity monitoring) before flying area navigation (RNAV) standard instrument arrivals, departures, and obstacle departure procedures. It also suggests that RAIM be checked before flying RNAV routes known as Q and T routes (routes above and below 18,000 feet, respectively). Read more >> Chandy Clanton dies during aerobatic practiceAirshow performer and three-time member of the U.S. Aerobatic Team Chandy Clanton was killed in the crash of her Edge 540 while practicing her airshow routine. The crash of the Lincoln, Neb., resident took place near Tarkio, Mo., while preparing for the Wing Nuts Flying Circus Fly-In near Tarkio in northwest Missouri. Read more >> Politicians and Planes: From ejection seat to Senate seat
For daily news updates, see AOPA Online. airventure PREVIEWFinding AOPA at AirVentureEAA AirVenture 2009 is just days away. If you plan to visit this year, make sure that AOPA is high on your to-do list. As you stroll through the gate and get your visitor’s map, look for AOPA’s Big Yellow Tent at a new location. You’ll find us at Booths 193 to 195 near Exhibit Hangar C. AOPA’s 2009 Let’s Go Flying Sweepstakes Cirrus SR22 will be prominently on display—and you’ll want to see the distinctive “GA Serves America” vinyl graphics. You won’t believe it’s a decal! Read more >> AOPA to give away Goodyear Blimp Adventure during AirVenture Summer Fun: Don’t miss these AirVenture events When the world’s largest aviation gathering kicks off on July 27, expect to see 750,000 pilots and aviation enthusiasts streaming through the gates or flying into the event itself, as well as hundreds of airplanes lined up on the grass parking areas. AirVenture is well known for having something for everyone, and this year is no exception. This year’s activities include a day set aside to spotlight women pilots and a special event designed especially for teachers and educators. Read more >> Flight Design to offer electric ultralightFlight Design USA reports that it has entered in an agreement with China’s Yuneec (Helang Electronics) to produce an electrically powered ultralight. The airplane, dubbed the “ e-Spyder,” will use a 27-hp electric motor powered by lithium polymer batteries. The airframe is based on the FlightStar ultralight, and has a carbon-fiber nose enclosure. As for performance, Flight Design President Tom Peghiny says that the e-Spyder will fully comply with FAR Part 103 ultralight regulations, which limits top speed to 55 knots and mandates a stall speed no greater than 24 knots. The e-Spyder will be on display at this year’s EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wis., and Peghiny says he may fly it at the show as well.
Safety & ProficiencyFilm crew captures density altitude crashDuring the hot days of summer, high density altitude can rob an aircraft of lift, thrust, and engine performance. Add to that an overweight airplane, rising terrain, and fickle takeoff winds, and tragedy is all but inevitable. On Aug. 30, 2007, an overloaded Beech A36 Bonanza lifted off from Cameron Air Park in California, encountered a sudden wind shift, and flipped violently after settling into rising, boulder-strewn terrain off the end of the runway. A television news crew captured the Bonanza's lumbering takeoff roll and subsequent accident on video, which accompanies this special report from the AOPA Air Safety Foundation. Answers for Pilots: Hurricanes AIRPORT SUPPORTFAA ruling on Santa Monica jet ban upheld The FAA has upheld an earlier decision by an FAA hearing officer to prevent the city of Santa Monica from banning certain types of jets from the municipal airport based on approach and landing speeds. In a 57-page opinion issued July 8, FAA officials rejected an appeal by the city of Santa Monica, which claimed it had the authority to ban certain jets for what it said were safety reasons. Read more >> Join the Airport Support Network todayEnsuring the health and vitality of your airport is up to you—incompatible development and economic and political pressures can restrict your flying. Every day, more than 2,000 Airport Support Network (ASN) volunteers work with AOPA headquarters to help save their airports, but we need more. Below is a link to a list of the airports where an ASN volunteer could make a difference.
To nominate yourself or an associate to be a volunteer, visit AOPA Online.
To learn more about the Airport Support Network, visit ASN Online. blogsAir Safety eJournal: 10 years after the JFK Jr. accidentIt's been 10 years ago this week since John F. Kennedy Jr. took a fatal plunge into the waters off Cape Cod along with his wife and sister-in-law. The NTSB ultimately determined that spatial disorientation leading to a spiral was the probable cause. That accident was truly a landmark, not because it was particularly unusual but because of who was involved. Read more >> Reporting Points: Moon talk released by NASANASA has digitized previously released tapes of what Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldren said to one another while in the lunar model, the spidey-looking vehicle that landed on the moon. Read more >> Hover Power: Force multiplierIn 1949, the New York City Police Department acquired a Bell 47 helicopter, launching the first air support division in the world. What started as a simple aerial observation platform has evolved into a high-tech police asset. Read more >> member benefitsAOPA PiReps: Where pilots report everything about flyingReady to give a pirep? Don’t tell us your altitude and the weather you’re encountering. Tell us about your adventurous flight as a whole! Our new AOPA PiReps is an area where you can publish your own stories and adventures right on AOPA Online—they’re in essence pilot reports about $100 hamburger runs, exotic destinations, safety tips for landing at your home base, and more. Check out the stories your fellow members have already submitted and rate your favorites. Then, submit your own AOPA PiRep. Mark your calendar for AOPA Aviation Summit Quiz MeHere's a question asked by an AOPA member who contacted our aviation services staff through the AOPA Pilot Information Center. Test your knowledge.
Question: I just received correspondence from my engine manufacturer that contained a service bulletin (SB). My mechanic gave me an estimated quote for the repair cost, but it isn't something that I can immediately afford. Am I required to comply with this SB?
Answer: Maybe. Service bulletins are distributed by manufacturers as a stronger notice to aircraft owners or operators than a service letter. Service bulletins are advisory in nature, yet can become mandatory in some situations, such as aircraft operated for hire in a Part 135 operation or a flight school with a progressive maintenance program; aircraft that are under progressive maintenance/inspection programs; or the maintenance required by the SB would change specifications listed on an aircraft's type certificate data sheet. If the FAA decides to mandate compliance for all aircraft, it will issue an airworthiness directive (AD). Many ADs will directly reference the SB when mandating compliance.
Got a question for our aviation services staff? The AOPA Pilot Information Center is a service available to all members as part of the annual dues. Call 800/872-2672, or e-mail to [email protected]. Send comments on our Quiz Me! questions to [email protected]. AOPA CAREER OPPORTUNITIESEver dream of turning your passion for aviation into a career? We're looking for an Airport Support Network Director, a Director of Advocacy, an Aviation Technical Specialist, and a Fall Intern for the Air Safety Foundation. To learn more about other AOPA career opportunities, visit AOPA Online. Picture Perfect Aviation Events & Weather Flight Instructor Refresher ClinicsThe next AOPA Air Safety Foundation Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics are scheduled in Pittsburgh, Pa., July 25 and 26; Costa Mesa, Calif., Atlanta, Ga., and Champaign, Ill., Aug. 15 and 16; Reno, Nev., and Allentown, Pa., Aug. 22 and 23; Fort Worth, Texas, Aug. 29 and 30; Phoenix, Ariz., and Sacramento, Calif., Sept. 12 and 13. For a complete schedule, see AOPA Online.
Can't make it in person? Sign up for the CFI Refresher Online. AOPA Air Safety Foundation Safety SeminarsAOPA Air Safety Foundation Safety Seminars are scheduled in Oshkosh, Wis., July 29, 30, and 31; Germantown, Tenn., Aug. 31; Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 1; Maryville, Tenn., Sept. 3. Topics vary—for details and a complete schedule, see AOPA Online. | Got news? Contact ePilot. Having difficulty using this service? Visit the ePilot Frequently Asked Questions now at AOPA Online or write to [email protected]. | ||
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