When your flight instructor gives you the go-ahead to use flight planning software, it's always fun to check out a new contender. Popular aircraft tracking Web site FlightAware recently debuted free online flight planning software. Although the application provides many traditional flight planning data points, such as heading, distance, fuel required to make the trip, and time en route based on forecast winds aloft, the interface and additional offerings are unique and useful.
With that information, the program calculates the time, fuel burn, and cost of flying at different altitudes along different routes. The route options are usually direct and those that ATC has recently assigned. Times are calculated with respect to the forecast winds aloft. It presents the information in an easy-to-understand matrix that is color coded to show the shortest and cheapest routes. Click on the preferred selection and the navigation log comes up.
The navigation page features the standard navigation log, but added benefits include direct links to the approach procedures for both the departure and destination airports, the current METAR and TAF for both, and car rental information. FlightAware says new features are always being added, so the program should become even more robust in the future.
-Ian J. Twombly
Price: free
Contact: www.flightaware.com
Qref, known for its slick series of spiral-bound checklists for avionics and GPS units, has added a tool aimed at helping aspiring flight instructors pass the CFI checkride. Flight Instructor Notebook, written by Bridgette Doremire with Gene Hudson, includes private and commercial pilot syllabi, task topic lesson plans for both certificates, a sample pre-solo written test with answers, a checkride/flight review study guide with answers, and more.
Price: $49.95 (book); $14.95 (private and commercial lesson plans as separate download)
Contract: www.qref.com
Hot on the heels of its private pilot course, Jeppesen (www.jeppesen.com) recently added a sport pilot online course to the Jeppesen Learning Center. Like the private pilot course, the sport pilot course provides the knowledge to pass the FAA knowledge test, whether for an FAR Part 61 or Part 141 flight school. Yearlong access can be purchased for $199.95.
The Finer Points (http://thefinerpoints.net) flight instruction video series and podcasts is on Twitter (www.twitter.com/TFPofFlying). Just how much flight training wisdom can CFI Jason Miller dispense in 140 characters? Plenty, apparently. Here are a few Tweets: "When landing in a crosswind you sideslip the airplane. This exposes the fuselage to the relative wind and increases drag. Watch your speed." And, "If you find yourself ballooning during the flare you may be pulling too much or too fast. Nail your approach speed and smoothly round out."