The FAA has published a notice of proposed rulemaking of its intent to revise the boundaries of restricted areas within a complex of special-use airspace in Pinecastle and Lake George, Fla., just north of Orlando Sanford International Airport.
AOPA is evaluating the proposal and will submit formal comments to the FAA, and encourages members to do the same.
The proposal would expand the boundaries of R-2907 north so that it abuts the boundary of R-2906. The vertical limits would be raised to Flight Level 230. R-2910 would be subdivided into several sectors.
Additional restricted airspace is proposed between R-2910 and R-2907. The Navy requested the airspace changes because it believes that current boundaries are inadequate to meet current training requirements, said the announcement.
“The proposal to further subdivide this complex is a step in the right direction, and one that AOPA continues to advocate for,” said Tom Kramer, AOPA manager of air traffic services. “Smaller sectors allow the military to activate only those areas needed for a specific mission, freeing up more airspace for use by civil aviation.”
Kramer added that the availability of real-time special-use airspace information would help pilots plan flights with more certainty “by allowing them to know precisely what sectors are active. AOPA continues to work with industry partners toward this goal.”
Members can submit comments through Feb. 7, 2011. Be sure to identify both docket numbers FAA Docket No. FAA-2010-1146, and airspace Docket No. 10-ASO-25. Comments must be submitted in triplicate to the Docket Management System, U.S. Department of Transportation, Docket Operations, M-30, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140, Washington, DC 20590.
Pilots may also submit comments at by searching for one of the above docket numbers. Please also send a copy of the comments via e-mail to AOPA.