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President's Perspective

Get engaged

There's more to GA than meets the eye

Craig FullerToo often, we at AOPA hear student pilots suggest that they aren’t really pilots, at least not yet. And so they hover on the fringes of the general aviation community, wondering if they will be invited into the fold without a plastic certificate in hand. That’s a shame, because the general aviation community is large, diverse, and welcoming to anyone who shares an interest in flying.

We often hear from students who want to extend their involvement with aviation beyond their flight school and their training schedule, but they just don’t know what options are out there or how to get started.

If you’re such a pilot, this is a great year for you to turn your interest into action. 2010 is going to be a big year for GA. With congressional elections in November, every seat in the House of Representatives—and many in the Senate—will be up for a vote. That makes it a perfect time to actively support candidates who support GA, and to provide candidates who just don’t know much about us with information about who we are and what we do. If you are politically minded, it also means there will be plenty of opportunities to get involved through AOPA’s Political Action Committee, attending campaign events, and telling candidates in your district about the issues that matter to you, including the future of general aviation.

As of this writing, the question of user fees is unresolved, and unanswered questions remain about NextGen air traffic modernization. These and dozens of other issues ranging from security considerations to airspace regulations will be considered by elected officials and policy makers in the coming months. Again, that means there will be opportunities for pilots to make their voices heard on the issues that will affect how we fly, far into the future.

Of course, there’s also much you can do on a local level to support general aviation. Airport pilot associations offer a great opportunity to get involved. You’ll meet new people, learn more about your airport and its role in the larger community, and find ways to make a difference right where you fly. If your airport doesn’t have a pilot group, why not start one? A call to the AOPA Pilot Information Center (800-USA-AOPA) can get you the information you need to get started.

If your airport holds open-house gatherings or other events for the larger community, volunteer to help. If not, consider being the catalyst to organize such an event. Building goodwill between the aviation community and non-fliers is one of the most important things we can do to protect airports.

Building that goodwill is one of the reasons AOPA launched the General Aviation Serves America campaign last year. And it’s also a great place for you to begin deepening your engagement with aviation. You can learn more about the campaign and how you can get involved on our Web site.

Your interests outside of aviation can also be the driver for new aviation-related activities in your life, such as charitable flying. Numerous charitable organizations do everything from flying patients to see medical specialists, to rescuing injured or unwanted animals, to flying search-and-rescue and humanitarian relief missions. Even if you don’t yet have your certificate, there are plenty of ways you can get involved with these groups and they would be grateful for the help. AOPA has a list of these organizations on our Web site to help you get started finding a group in your area.

The bottom line is, whatever your passions and interests, whether you want to make a financial contribution or take a more hands-on approach, there’s a place for you in the heart of the GA community. And whether you are a seasoned flier or you’re just getting started, there are plenty of ways that you can become more engaged with GA. I sincerely hope you will take the first step toward becoming more involved and discover just how much more than flight time GA has to offer.

E-mail AOPA President Craig Fuller at [email protected].

Throughout the year, I will end my column with a message about how to become more engaged in helping GA. This month, consider visiting AOPA Online now and signing up to receive AOPA ePilot. This free, customizable e-mail newsletter offers a weekly Flight Training edition, and throughout the year we will be including tips and opportunities for you to get more engaged and to learn about what others are doing in support of GA.

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