Recent changes to the Lockheed Martin Flight Services website allow pilots to provide anonymous feedback.
In fulfilling its performance measurements with the FAA, Lockheed Martin previously required pilots to be a registered user on the website to provide feedback, whether compliments, complaints, or suggestions. The company made the change as a result of feedback from AOPA members and a monthly dialogue between the association and Lockheed.
“The registration requirement has resulted in some pilots being unwilling to provide needed feedback, so Lockheed has worked to ensure pilots continue to have a mechanism for providing meaningful input if they desire to do so anonymously,” said AOPA Senior Director of Airspace and Modernization Heidi Williams. “They listened, heard, and acted on members’ input.”
Lockheed Martin still encourages pilots to register with their name and e-mail address and provide information such as their phone number or tail number so that the company can close the loop with feedback providers.