With Cirrus aircraft and Ferraris on display, and fly-bys of the Cirrus Vision Jet under overcast skies, about 60 aviation enthusiasts flocked to Utah’s Salt Lake City Airport for a May 19 Inside Cirrus Event (ICE).
AOPA Vice President of Communications Andrew Broom rallied pilots at the event by bringing them up to date on the association’s advocacy and communications efforts, while giving them tips to get involved in protecting general aviation so that “together we can help GA take off and climb into the flight levels.” Broom joined Cirrus Vice President of Domestic Sales Jon Dauplaise, who gave an update on Cirrus and presented the 2011 Limited Commemorative Edition SR22T.
Broom encouraged pilots to get connected, get the word out about aviation, and enjoy the benefits of GA. He pointed to the association’s Rally GA Web pages, which provide ways for pilots to connect with others online via the association’s e-newsletters and social media or in person at aviation events or their local airport. In addition, Broom explained the importance of sharing their passion for flight by talking to others about GA and telling them the value it plays in the U.S. transportation system.
One of the best ways to help protect GA? Go flying, Broom said. Flying regularly helps pilots stay proficient, while taking others up for first flights helps to spread the aviation bug—and potentially boost the pilot population. Volunteering for humanitarian flights is one way pilots can fly and give back to their communities, he said. The Rally GA Web pages include a list of nonprofit organizations pilots can volunteer to support.
“I really appreciate the opportunity to participate in the Cirrus event and meet their customers,” Broom said. “These events are great opportunities to engage with our members by updating them on what is happening at AOPA and answering their important questions, while encouraging all attendees to Rally GA!”