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Northeast airway modifications set

The FAA has published a final rule that makes modifications to airways in the vicinity of Hartford, Conn., associated with the planned decommissioning of the Bradley Vortac. The changes take effect May 31.

Since the notice of proposed rulemaking was published, reconfigured airway structure in Canada has affected one of the proposed changes--a segment of Victor 203 that lies within Canadian airspace. The FRANX fix will become the new termination point for the airway segment. The fix is defined by the intersection of the Massena, N.Y., 047-degree and the St Jean, Canada, 270-degree radials.

The final rule also removed several points from descriptions of new RNAV routes (T-routes) T-212, T-255, and T-300 because the points are not needed to form alignment of the routes.

AOPA reported on the proposed modifications Feb. 2, and supported the NPRM in formal comments subsequently submitted on the changes.

Under the final rule, Victor 130 was shortened, with the new Victor 130 connecting Norwich, Conn., and Martha’s Vineyard.

Victor 203, formerly a route between Albany, N.Y., and Montreal, Canada, was extended southeast from Albany to the existing STELA intersection, replacing most of the eliminated Victor 130 segment and including the changes related to the Canadian airspace reconfiguration noted above.

Eliminated was Victor 205, which had connected the COATE intersection near Sparta, N.J., and the Putnam, Conn., VOR/DME. The new RNAV route T-212 follows the same route as the eliminated airway.

Victor 405 was realigned north from the Bradley Vortac to the Barnes, Mass., Vortac, about 13 miles north of Bradley International Airport.

Modification of Victor 419, which extends from Maryland to Boston, Mass., eliminated segments between the BRISS intersection and Boston, with alternate routes available including the new RNAV routes, according to the final rule.

Dan Namowitz
Dan Namowitz
Dan Namowitz has been writing for AOPA in a variety of capacities since 1991. He has been a flight instructor since 1990 and is a 35-year AOPA member.

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