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YouTube pilot: ‘I was going to abort’ |
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FeaturedYouTube accident pilot: ‘I was going to abort’ |
GA NewsGeneral aviation responds to Texas health crisisWhen Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings declared a public health emergency to combat a record outbreak of West Nile virus, a general aviation company based in Bridgewater, Va., mobilized to lead the assault on virus-carrying mosquitoes. Dynamic Aviation of Bridgewater has sent four King Air 90 turboprops to Dallas for 10 days of aerial application missions, said company President Michael A. Stoltzfus. The four aircraft were headed for Dallas Executive Airport where the spraying missions would be staged at night. Read more >> New X-planes fly with mixed resultsA pair of advanced aircraft designs by Boeing, one designed to test noise reduction and a second built for speed, logged one success and one failure in August. The aerospace giant celebrated an Aug. 7 maiden flight of the X-48C, an experimental blended wing body design that could significantly reduce the noise of future airliners. The Aug. 14 test of the hypersonic (Mach 5-plus) cruiser dubbed “Waverider” was all splash and no dash. Read more >> Army airship makes maiden flight in LakehurstFor the first time in decades, a U.S. military airship appeared Aug. 7 over Lakehurst, N.J., the storied locale where the nation built its first international airport (for airships), where the Hindenburg met its end, and where the age of U.S. military airships appeared to have ended in the 1960s. The Long Endurance Multi-Intelligence Vehicle that launched a flight test program with a 90-minute maiden voyage has a very different look than the semi-rigid airships last flown by the U.S. Navy out of Lakehurst in 1962. Read more >> Aspen Wi-Fi system connects portables to panels New high school leverages aviation to the maxImagine a high school that takes Fridays off and includes flight training as part of the curriculum. Ready to sign up? Some 300 Albuquerque students did just that at the new Southwest Aeronautics, Mathematics & Science Academy (SAMS) located at Double Eagle II Airport on the city's northwest side. Read more >> Recovery signs seen in aircraft deliveriesNew airplane deliveries logged during the first six months of 2012 point to “positive signs” for the manufacturing sector, said an industry association. The General Aviation Manufacturers Association said airplane shipments increased 5.9 percent during the first six months of 2012 from the corresponding period in 2011. The $8.2 billion value of airplanes delivered marked a 13.2-percent increase over the year-ago period. Read more >> Cessna renames turbodiesel 182 New $5,000 scholarship added, applications due Aug. 24AOPA has added the Jimmie Allen Flying Club Flight Training Scholarship as the fourth award to its Flight Training Scholarship Program. The new scholarship, donated by member Sarah Wilson who pilots the 1929 Jimmie Allen Stearman Speedmail, will award $5,000 to a student pilot working toward an initial sport, recreational, or private pilot certificate. Student pilots must submit their online application and have online recommendation forms completed by Aug. 24 to be considered for one of the scholarships. Winners will be announced at AOPA Aviation Summit Oct. 11 through 13. Learn more about eligibility and the application process online. Shine light on stellar flight training providerThink you had the best flight instructor or flight school experience? Are you training with an instructor you admire now? Nominate the school or instructor you believe embodies the best in flight training for the AOPA Flight Training Excellence Awards. A school or instructor that wins an award will exemplify what it means to be a great flight training provider, as defined by the criteria identified in AOPA’s extensive research. The nomination deadline is Aug. 24, and the awards will be given at AOPA Aviation Summit in Palm Springs, Calif., in October. Nominate someone today. Olympic visit not a cover story, this time Human-powered helicopter flight sets recordThe National Aeronautic Association has certified a duration record for human-powered helicopter flight claimed by a team from the University of Maryland’s A. James Clark School of Engineering for a flight on June 21 in College Park, Md. Read more >> Trump offers gamblers a SkycatcherThe Trump Taj Mahal Resort Casino is dangling a Cessna Skycatcher as a prize to lure players. Read more >> Sun 'n Fun, Florida Air Museum consolidate leadershipSun ’n Fun President John R. “Lites” Leenhouts has assumed leadership of the Florida Air Museum, in an effort to streamline efforts at the two organizations. Read more >> AOPA Live This Week: Flying high in France, cuts at FAA
For daily news updates, see AOPA Online. Safety & ProficiencyFly like a fighter: No brakesThe landing rollout isn’t the best time to discover a loss of brakes in an F-15. Find out if this former Air Force pilot was able to get the jet stopped and how he applies the lesson learned to flying his GA aircraft. Read more >> What is the best time to request flight following?Do you wait until you’re airborne before asking for flight following? Do you end up searching for the correct frequency while you should be looking for other traffic? Is there an easier way of requesting traffic advisories? If you think you may be bothering the local controllers to ask for flight following to your destination, you may be surprised to hear that you’re not. Listen to the latest Ask ATC segment from the Air Safety Institute and find out the best time to request flight following for your next cross-country. Watch AOPA Live >> |
Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics | Air Safety Institute Safety Seminars | |||||||||
For a complete schedule, see AOPA Online. Can’t make it in person? Sign up for the CFI Refresher Online. |
Topics vary—for details and a complete schedule, see AOPA Online. |
Not only can you peruse hundreds of aviation exhibits, test pilot products and gear, and watch new product announcements in the Palms Springs Convention Center exhibit hall during AOPA Aviation Summit, but you can mingle with fellow pilots and learn new techniques and tips to improve your flying at the Learning Pavilion and Interactive Lounge in the show hall. Read more >>
Planning to fly to Palm Springs, Calif., for AOPA Aviation Summit Oct. 11 through 13? Continue the fun after it’s over—join other pilots for a post-Summit fly-out down the Baja Peninsula Oct. 14 through 20. Find more information online.
Enjoy a round of golf with aviation enthusiasts and support Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Desert in the AOPA Foundation Charity Golf Tournament. The greens at the Classic Club golf course in Palm Desert, Calif., will come alive with an 8 a.m. shotgun start for pilots and enthusiasts on Oct. 10—one day before the kickoff of AOPA Aviation Summit. Read more >>
Applicants for airman certificates or ratings, inspection authorizations, and airman medical certificates will soon find a new item in the paperwork for their practical test or medical examination: a Pilot’s Bill of Rights Written Notification of Investigation from the FAA. The notification, which must be acknowledged in writing by the applicant at the time of the application, is among the provisions of an FAA order issued Aug. 8 in response to enactment of the Pilot’s Bill of Rights law. Read more >>
AOPA has expressed disappointment that the FAA has made only minimal changes to a proposal to modify and expand Detroit’s Class B airspace despite substantial burdens the plan would impose on general aviation operations. The airspace plan, published in a notice of proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register Aug. 14, appears to largely ignore mitigating ideas that AOPA offered in airspace meetings, and later requested in formal comments, the association said. Read more >>
Will you be attending the Republican National Convention Aug. 27 through 30 or the Democratic National Convention Sept. 4 through 6? AOPA wants to know. AOPA President Craig Fuller and the association’s government affairs team will be present at both conventions, organizing events to demonstrate the importance of aviation and the engagement of the general aviation community. Join the discussion >>
The FAA is alerting pilots it will issue TFRs in the area of Tampa, Fla., Aug. 26 through 30 in support of the Republican National Convention. A 30-nautical-mile outer ring with a 10-nm inner core and a 3-nm ring will be active at various times throughout the event; operations at Peter O Knight Airport will be prohibited when either is in effect. See the flight advisory for restrictions and effective times.
A federal agency has opened a study of expanding the boundaries of California’s Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, with possible ramifications for overflights of the area. The study follows the implementation last February of a precedent-setting regulation that gave the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration power to restrict overflights, including a presumption that pilots flying below 1,000 feet msl in the vicinity of the sanctuary have disturbed wildlife. Pilots would be exposed to sanctions including fines. Read more >>
Airline operators are reluctant to spend dollars on further avionics upgrades and concerned about the potential for significant delays realizing the benefits of NextGen—particularly at the nation’s most congested airports. That is among the conclusions of an audit released Aug. 1 by the Department of Transportation Office of Inspector General that cited several challenges in keeping NextGen on track. Read more >>
Ensuring the health and vitality of your airport is up to you—incompatible development and economic and political pressures can restrict your flying. Every day, close to 2,500 Airport Support Network (ASN) volunteers work with AOPA headquarters to help save their airports, but we need more. Below is a link to a list of the airports where an ASN volunteer could make a difference.
To nominate yourself or an associate to be a volunteer, visit AOPA Online.
To learn more about the Airport Support Network, visit ASN Online.
Is your registration certificate still valid? Checking an aircraft registration certificate is not as simple as it used to be. The FAA has initiated a process of re-issuing all aircraft registration certificates. The new certificates will be valid for only three years, and they will be issued with an expiration date. The next time you check the registration certificate for the aircraft you are about to fly, remember to look a little closer. Does it have an expiration date, or only an “issuance” date? Read more from Pilot Protection Services legal expert Ron Golden.
AOPA member Alberto Guerrero described himself as “desperate” when he called AOPA with a problem: He had forgotten to sign and return the policy form for his non-owned insurance, and feared his flying club wouldn’t let him fly. Within 20 seconds, AOPA staffer Jo Cox had put him at ease. “I was so relieved to get someone on the phone who had a solution to my problem and cared to make my life a little easier,” Guerrero said. Read more >>
Ever dream of turning your passion for aviation into a career? We’re looking for a major gifts officer, accounts payable technician, administrative coordinator, director of new market development, aviation technical generalist, and Web graphic designer. To learn more about other AOPA career opportunities, visit AOPA Online.
Picture PerfectAOPA’s online photo gallery allows you to upload your own aviation photography as well as view, rate, and comment on others’ photos. Your favorite aviation images from AOPA Pilot are still available online through this new gallery. Take a look, and submit your own photos! | | |
Engage in AviationCheck out user-submitted events from your region. To include an event or to search all events in the calendar, visit AOPA Online. AOPA does not endorse the events listed below, nor have ePilot editors edited the submissions. AOPA assumes no responsibility for events listed.
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QUIZ ME!Here’s a question asked by an AOPA member who contacted our aviation services staff through the AOPA Pilot Information Center. Test your knowledge.
Question: As a CFI, what records am I required to keep when I endorse a student's logbook?
Answer: According to FAR 61.189, a flight instructor must sign the logbook of each person to whom that instructor has given flight or ground training. The CFI must then keep a record of the name of each person the instructor has endorsed for solo flight privileges, a practical test, or a knowledge test. This record must be kept for at least three years from the date of the endorsement. FAA Advisory Circular 61-65E provides guidance for an instructor when making endorsements.
Got a question for our aviation services staff? The AOPA Pilot Information Center is a service available to all members as part of the annual dues. Call 800/USA-AOPA (800/872-2672), or email to [email protected]. |
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