After a hiatus of a few years, revived by the dedication of a local FBO, the show went on in Idaho Falls May 18 and 19.
Aero Mark FBO owner Bob Hoff, a well-known figure in the Northwest aviation community, stepped up to host the Idaho Aviation Trade Show for a second year at Idaho Falls Regional Airport. The event was held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Idaho Aviation Association, which co-sponsored the show. There were other victories to celebrate: AOPA Vice President of Airports and State Advocacy Greg Pecoraro addressed the assembled aviators and took note of recent state legislative successes achieved through collaboration with the Idaho Aviation Association and other groups, along with AOPA Airport Support Network volunteers and individual pilots. Grassroots support and coordinated effort is critical to controlling the cost of GA, and protecting the freedom to fly, Pecoraro said.
“Gatherings like these are a great opportunity to get to know our members and be engaged with them and their concerns,” said Pecoraro, who sampled several of the state’s other airports, including Driggs-Reed Memorial and Friedman Memorial during his tour.