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August 30, 2013, issue of 'AOPA ePilot' weekly newsletter

Travel Air 3000

AUGUST 30, 2013 - VOL 15, ISSUE 35


Top Stories

A passion for flight


A passion for flight

AOPA's new president was a kid on a bicycle riding to the airport to hear stories and poke around airplanes. He sold his van in college to buy his first airplane, and said learning to fly changed his life. As Mark Baker succeeds Craig Fuller and becomes only the fifth president and CEO in AOPA history, he is dedicated to making sure future generations will enjoy the kind of access that drew him into aviation. Read more... Share:  


AOPA Live This Week

New AOPA CEO in his first interview

What direction AOPA? An exclusive interview with AOPA President-elect Mark Baker. Remembering EAA's founder. Keeping the needle centered. Rod Machado has a different technique that's easier for both VFR and instrument pilots. AOPA Live This Week®, Aug. 29. Share:  


Technique and Safety



IFR Fix: Finding zero

After an area forecast tells you where the freezing level is forecast for your flight, you must then decide whether the big weather picture of clouds and precip permits safe crossing of the 0-degrees-Celsius line. Read more... Share:  


Flash-based, login required

Lessons from cemetery crash

Gordon Webster was lucky to walk away from the scene, after crashing his Beechcraft Bonanza into a cemetery. In this Air Safety Institute Real Pilot Story, Webster recounts trying to make a precautionary landing at a nearby airport and shares important lessons learned about preparing for and reacting properly to an emergency. View the story to learn more! Share:  



Answers for Pilots: A ticket to learn

Whether it's a seaplane, tailwheel, complex, high-performance, or multiengine airplane that you hope to someday fly as pilot in command, the FAA requires training and testing, or an endorsement by an authorized instructor, to have an additional category, class, or operating privilege added to your credentials. Read more... Share:  


Flash-based, login required

Single-pilot IFR works for married pilots, too

One of the most technically challenging environments for a pilot is flying, as the sole pilot, in instrument conditions. Fortunately, it can be done—with adequate preparation and training—safely and with confidence. Broaden your horizons in IMC by taking the Air Safety Institute's Single Pilot IFR online course. Take the course... Share:  



Leading Edge: Asteroids & monkey poop

You've probably heard about NASA's latest plan to generate interest, and perhaps some funding, by catching an asteroid that is going to destroy the planet and bag it (paper or plastic?). Read more... Share:  


AOPA Aviation Summit


Fort Worth AOPA Aviation Summit offers broad appeal


Summit offers broad appeal

Easy access, great programming, and low costs are some of the things that make attending the 2013 AOPA Aviation Summit in Fort Worth, Texas, attractive to members. Read more... Share:  



Approved for pilot audiences: AOPA Aviation Summit

Get a sneak peek at all of the fun planned for AOPA Aviation Summit 2013 in Fort Worth, Texas, Oct. 10 through 12. Watch the video... Share:  


Event information

Register now, save up to 20 percent on Summit packages

AOPA has streamlined pricing this year for its Aviation Summit in order to give members access to all of the content at the event at one low price. If you register before Sept. 6, you will receive up to 20 percent off most registration options. See pricing details... Share:  


Call for volunteers

Sign up to volunteer at Summit

AOPA needs volunteers to help with parking 1,000-plus attendee aircraft, directing ground transportation, and managing the flow of people and vehicles. This year's AOPA Aviation Summit in Fort Worth, Texas, Oct. 10 through 12 promises to be an outstanding event. Be a part of pulling it off—sign up to volunteer today! Share:  





Can you hear me?

Whether you learned to fly in a Cessna 150 sans headset, listened to too much rock music in your younger years, or if those younger years were long ago, your hearing could be damaged, explains Dr. Jonathan Sackier in the latest episode of Fly Well. Watch the video...





NASA crash aims for safety

NASA on Aug. 28 dropped a CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter fuselage with test dummies on board to test seat belts and gather data. Read more... Share:  



3-D printed rocket part tested

A rocket fuel injector made using 3-D printing technology held up under extreme pressure and temperatures in a NASA test, marking a milestone in the development of technology that has aviation applications as well. Read more... Share:  





The next and biggest threat to GA (part 2)

Pilots should consider the following: The government has identified VFR flying as an area that they do not control in the way that they do most other areas of transportation. They will work to eliminate that ambiguity. Read more... Share:  



Join the aviation social revolution

It is hard to ignore the current explosion of social networking that is occurring in the general aviation family. Facebook, Twitter, blogging, videos, podcasting, or the next big thing to debut tomorrow ... take your pick. The platform does not matter. General aviation needs you to be all in right now. Read more... Share:  




Could apps lower your fuel bill?

With the price of fuel continuing to rise, pilots need all the help they can get in managing their fuel costs. These five apps claim they can help. Read more... Share:  




MU-2 round the world


MU-2 round the world

Interesting things always used to start with a phone call or an email. And it was an email from an old friend, Ross Russo, that kicked off the discussion that led to an invitation for AOPA Technical Editor Mike Collins to fly around the world to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the Mitsubishi MU-2's first flight. Read more... Share:  

Day 1: Frederick to Goose Bay

Day 2: Goose Bay to Reykjavik

Day 3: Reykjavik to Straubing


Member benefits

EA+ update: Overseas travel precautions

There are some basic safety tips every traveler should keep in mind, even if they are the most seasoned of voyagers. Check out these four tips from AOPA's Emergency Assistance Plus Program. Read more... Share:  




Members only

The 'R' in AROW

Aircraft owners should know by now that the FAA has largely done away with aircraft registration certificates that have no expiration date on their face. Registration certificates will now expire three years after issuance. If you are caught flying an unregistered aircraft, there is the possibility that the aircraft will be seized—a very expensive mistake to make. Read more... Share:  



Club limits membership, increases aircraft access

Membership in the New Hampshire Flying Association is limited to 17 so that members have better access to the flying club's A36 Bonanza. The club has one level of membership for the Bonanza: a $2,200 share price. Dues are $268 a month fixed, and it costs $150 an hour wet, to use the aircraft, with three hours per quarter minimum. Read more... Share:  


News and Notes



ANA buys Pan Am academy

The parent company of All Nippon Airways has acquired Pan Am International Flight Academy in Miami. Read more... Share:  



Citation M2 takes flight

Cessna Aircraft Co. announced the first flight of a production Citation M2 on Aug. 23, with certification expected in the fall. The M2, which first flew in March, is built to carry six passengers on legs of up to 1,300 nautical miles and compete with Embraer's Phenom 100. Read more... Share:  



LSA claims spin-resistance

SAM Aircraft claims its light sport aircraft (LSA) two-seater will only spiral. It is unclear how far the company has pushed the flight test envelope. Read more... Share:  



Redbird Skyport offers dollar-a-gallon avgas

Redbird Skyport is offering avgas for $1 per gallon in October. The Texas FBO is not pulling a stunt, however, but rather seeking data to learn about how costs affect flying habits. Read more... Share:  



FAA ends direct-to-consumer sales of paper charts

Pilots will have to buy paper aeronautical charts from authorized agents after the FAA ends direct sales on Oct. 1. Read more... Share:  



Lufthansa seeks more female pilots

Finding more female pilot applicants and hiring them is the goal of a new partnership between Germany's Lufthansa and the Institute for Women Of Aviation Worldwide. Read more... Share:  



Jordan joins IAOPA ranks

The International Council of the Aircraft Owner and Pilot Association has approved Jordan as the seventy-second affiliate, growing the ranks of general aviation organization in the Middle East. Read more... Share:  



Strange but true GA news

A bad videographer choice, drones go Hollywood, and some hard landings. Read more... Share:  


AOPA Career Opportunities


Ever dream of turning your passion for aviation into a career? We're looking for a staff assistant/PAC coordinator and AOPA Live editor/graphic artist. To learn more about other AOPA career opportunities, visit AOPA Online.

Question of the Week


How many aircraft must be based at an airport before it is considered a regional airport?


As of 2012, there were about 467 regional airports in the United States. In order to be designated as such, the airport must have at least one based jet or at least 100 based aircraft. If it does not meet those criteria, it still may be designated as a regional airport if it is located in a metropolitan or micropolitan statistical area, and the airport meets the definition of commercial service. The airport must also have at least 10 annual domestic IFR flights over 500 miles in radius and at least 1,000 annual IFR operations. Read more about categories of airports.

Got a question for our aviation services staff? The AOPA Pilot Information Center is a service available to all members as part of the annual dues. Contact AOPA.



EFB recommendations

A member asks for recommendations on electronic flight bags. Which one do you prefer? Read more...


Education and Seminars

Flight Instructor Refresher Courses

Sept 14-15 - Baltimore, Md.; and Bellevue, Wash.

Sept 21-22 - Phoenix, Ariz.; Sacramento, Calif.; and Colorado Springs, Colo.

Sept 28-29 - Richmond, Va.

Oct 5-6 - Indianapolis, Ind., Wichita, Kan., and Corpus Christi, Texas

For a complete schedule, see AOPA Online. Can't make it in person? Sign up for the Air Safety Institute's new Online eFIRC.

Air Safety Institute Safety Seminars

Sept 9 - Ypsilanti, Mich.; Fort Worth, Texas; Wichita, Kan.; and Germantown, Tenn.

Sept 10 - Independence, Ohio; Addison, Texas; Bethany, Okla.; and Murfreesboro, Tenn.

Sept 11 - Columbus, Ohio; Fayetteville, Ark.; and Maryville, Tenn.

Topics vary—for details and a complete schedule, see AOPA Online.



ePilot Editor:

Benét Wilson

Production Team

Katie Richardson
Lezlie Ramsey
Melissa Whitehouse


Sarah Brown
Alyssa Miller
Jim Moore
Jill W. Tallman
Warren Morningstar
Alton K. Marsh
Dave Hirschman
Tom Horne
Ian J. Twombly
Dan Namowitz

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