The International Council of the Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations (IAOPA) announced Feb. 1 that its next biennial World Assembly will be hosted by AOPA China in 2014.
Craig Spence, secretary general of the council and vice president of AOPA operations and international affairs, noted that this assembly would mark the first time IAOPA has convened in China.
“The selection of China as our World Assembly location highlights just how important the country has become to the growth of general aviation,” Spence said. “A number of aircraft manufacturers and service providers now have operations and partnerships in China, and there are promising signs that China itself is embracing the broader use of general aviation as part of its transportation system and economy. We think this is a perfect time to convene in China and demonstrate just how vital general aviation can be.”
Delegates to the World Assembly will discuss a wide range of general aviation issues and take part in aerial activities. Those discussions will likely focus on airspace access and freedom of flight, air traffic control services, user fees, security, and how IAOPA chapters throughout the world operate.
Although specific dates have not been chosen, the group is considering holding the assembly in the latter part of 2014. Final venue location and exact dates will be determined soon. Recent past assemblies have been held in South Africa, Israel, Greece, France, Brazil, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland.
IAOPA is made up of affiliates from 71 countries and is administered through AOPA headquarters in Frederick, Md.