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Stored routes restored in FlyQ Web flight planner

Members who had stored routes in AOPA’s previous online flight planner are now able to import those routes into their FlyQ account with the release of FlyQ Web version 1.2.111, released in late April. This new release also provides additional enhancements to flight plan editing.

If you had routes stored in the old flight planner, they will now automatically import once you log into FlyQ Web. This process is completed in the background and should not impact your ability to use the flight planner while it is taking place. The import process may take a few minutes, but once complete, you will find your stored routes on the Plans window, in the History tab under Favorite Plans. If you believe you had routes stored in the previous planner and they are not importing to your FlyQ Web account, please contact for assistance.

In addition to importing old saved routes, members can now easily mark any flight plan as a favorite. Once the plan has been created, go back to your Recent Plans list under History and click on the star next to the plan you wish to mark as a Favorite. It should automatically move into the Favorites list above. You can also remove any previously saved flight plan from your favorites list. Click the star again to remove a plan from your list of favorites.

Enhancements have been made to allow more flight plan parameters to be edited after plan creation without starting a new flight plan. Click More on the Create/Edit tab to change flight plan options such as useable fuel on board or waypoint altitude. Additionally, you can click on the “+” icon to the right of each waypoint in the grid on this tab to edit individual waypoints. The ability to edit altitude is available by waypoint. (Auto-routing and From/To changes still can only be changed by creating a new route).

Lastly, AOPA is working hard to provide better help resources to guide you through your experience with FlyQ Web. You’ll now find video tutorials and FAQ under the Help tab in the upper right corner of the screen, as well as function-specific on-screen contextual help on each window. Click on the little blue question mark in the bottom left corner of each window for more information.

In the coming weeks and months, continued enhancements are planned for FlyQ Web, including the capability to import, create, and enable user-defined waypoints. We were able to recover all previously saved user waypoints from the previous flight planner and are working diligently to import and display them in FlyQ Web.

Requested changes to the navigation log and the addition of a profile view, which will show the terrain and airspace in relation to your planned route of flight, are also on the development roadmap and will be coming in the near future.

If you have questions or feedback, please email us at Your opinion is extremely valuable to us and we use the feedback to continually improve the flight planning tools.

AOPA Member Products staff
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Topics: Flight Planning, Training and Safety, Pilot Weather Briefing Services

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