The FAA has issued a final rule to modify multiple airways in the Northeast due to the planned decommissioning of the Lake Henry VOR. The modifications, which go into effect on Oct. 17, should have little or no impact on general aviation flight operations.
This action modifies two jet routes, six VOR federal airways, and three area navigation routes; establishes six area navigation (RNAV) routes; and cancels two VOR federal airways in the Northeast United States.
Although AOPA did not oppose the notice of proposed rulemaking, the association did use the comment period to advocate for the establishment of a stakeholder committee to provide recommendations to the FAA on the airway modernization process. “As we transition to satellite-based navigation, Victor airways will become obsolete. We don’t want the FAA to simply swap out T-routes for Victor airways,” said Tom Kramer, AOPA’s manager of airspace and modernization. “That would be a lost opportunity to improve the access and efficiency that NextGen can offer.”