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AOPA to work with FAA, industry to make testing more relevant

AOPA has been working with the FAA and others in the general aviation industry to make pilot training and testing more relevant to real-world flying experiences. And now the association is seeking a role in the new Airman Certification System Working Group, announced in January by the FAA.

The working group is charged with implementing recommendations made by an earlier panel that was co-chaired by AOPA.

“Testing should reflect the realities of flying,” said David Oord, AOPA manager of regulatory affairs who also served as co-chair for the earlier working group. “Pilots shouldn’t just memorize answers to pass a test; they should understand why they need to know certain information and how to apply it. Ultimately, that deeper understanding will make them better, safer pilots.”

The new working group is part of an ongoing collaboration between the FAA and industry to create an integrated airman certification system that aligns testing, certification standards, guidance, and reference materials.

Other individuals and groups that would like to be part of the working group have until Feb. 28 to file a request with the FAA.

Elizabeth Tennyson
Elizabeth A Tennyson
Senior Director of Communications
AOPA Senior Director of Communications Elizabeth Tennyson is an instrument-rated private pilot who first joined AOPA in 1998.
Topics: Training and Safety, Training and Safety, Advocacy

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