The U.S. Air Force plans to mix it up once again over central Wisconsin, and a temporary military operations area (TMOA) identical to the one used in last year’s version of the annual exercise has been proposed, with comments accepted through Feb. 26.
The Lightning TMOA, as previously approved and again proposed, covers an area roughly 55 nautical miles by 15 nm, from 8,000 feet msl up to but excluding 18,000 feet. The TMOA, detailed in this notice, would be operated from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m., and from 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Central Daylight Time Monday through Friday, from June 9 through 20, and by notam issued four hours in advance.
Air Force, Air National Guard, and U.S. Marine Corps fighters, aerial tankers, and airborne radar aircraft conduct air interdiction training during the annual exercise.
The Lightning TMOA is contiguous with established military operations areas (MOAs), effectively expanding the Volk East MOA and Falls MOA to accommodate the exercise, and is not expected to impact instrument procedures used at airports in the vicinity; portions of five Victor airways are within the proposed TMOA.
Comments can be submitted using instructions in the notice, and those who chose to opine are asked to also share a copy of their comments with AOPA.