A bill that could save aircraft owners and operators millions on aircraft maintenance and repairs is awaiting a final vote in the Wisconsin Assembly, and AOPA is encouraging members to contact their state lawmakers and ask them to support the measure.
Wisconsin residents can find their Assembly member through the Wisconsin State Legislature website.
The vote, which could come as early as March 11, is the final hurdle for Senate Bill 348 before it can go to the governor for his signature. If passed, the bill will create a state sales tax exemption for parts and labor used in aircraft maintenance.
AOPA has been actively engaged in promoting the measure. AOPA Great Lakes Regional Manager Bryan Budds testified Nov. 21 before the Assembly’s Ways and Means Committee to explain the impact the tax break would have on the state’s pilots and aviation businesses, and to urge support for the proposal. Budds also wrote letters and met individually with key legislative leaders to encourage them to support the bill.
In the past, aircraft owners have traveled to neighboring states for major repairs and maintenance in order to avoid the tax. The new law will not only keep that work in the state, it will also save pilots time and money transporting their aircraft for repairs large and small.