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Avidyne announces 978 MHz ADS-B receiver

Allows traffic, weather display on Avidyne MFDs

Avidyne Corp. added to its automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) product offerings Oct. 9 with the announcement of its MLB100 Datalink Receiver. The MLB100 is an ADS-B In solution, designed to receive ADS-B traffic and Flight Information System-Broadcast (FIS-B) weather information for display on Avidyne’s IFD540 and IFD440 FMS/GPS/NAV/COMs, as well as the company’s EX600, EX500, and EX5000 multifunction displays. The receiver does not transmit ADS-B Out position information, a capability that has been mandated by the FAA beginning Jan. 1, 2020, for most aircraft flying in airspace where transponders are required today.

“We are excited to bring the MLB100 to market for Avidyne customers who want to have access to ADS-B traffic and FIS-B weather,” said Patrick Herguth, Avidyne’s chief operating officer. “Our AXP340 Mode S Transponder provides ADS-B Out to comply with the 2020 mandate, and the MLB100 gives U.S.-based customers a low-cost ADS-B In solution for traffic, plus the ability to receive weather data without the monthly subscription costs associated with other broadcast systems.”

The MLB100 Datalink Receiver will retail for $2,495, including a connector kit and mounting tray; the antenna is sold separately. Avidyne said the receiver will be certified and available in early 2015. Avidyne displays already in service will require a field-loadable software upgrade to accommodate the MLB100 data stream. 

“Avidyne is focused on offering certified avionics that make flying easier and safer for general aviation aircraft, including a full line of products to satisfy impending ADS-B requirements,” said Avidyne CEO Dan Schwinn. “The addition of the MLB100 gives Avidyne a full portfolio of ADS-B solutions to meet the needs of customers flying in NextGen airspace in the U.S. and around the world.”

The MLB100 receives FIS-B information—including Nexrad radar, METARs, TAFs, airmets, sigmets, and temporary flight restrictions—via the 978 MHz datalink frequency. It also receives traffic information directly from nearby 978 MHz ADS-B Out-equipped aircraft, and indirectly from 1090 MHz ADS-B Out-equipped aircraft, which the FAA rebroadcasts over 978 MHz. Information on transponder-equipped aircraft not participating in ADS-B is received from ground stations via TIS-B (Traffic Information Service-Broadcast). 

Avidyne also offers the panel-mounted AXP340 Mode S transponder with 1090 MHz Extended Squitter to provide ADS-B Out data. An approved ADS-B Out capability is required to receive all available traffic information with the MLB100. Avidyne also has announced 1090 MHz ADS-B In capability for its TAS600A active-surveillance traffic advisory systems.

More information on the MLB100 is available on the Avidyne website.

Avidyne's MLB100 ADS-B receiver, lower left, shown with an IFD540 display.
Mike Collins
Mike Collins
Technical Editor
Mike Collins, AOPA technical editor and director of business development, died at age 59 on February 25, 2021. He was an integral part of the AOPA Media team for nearly 30 years, and held many key editorial roles at AOPA Pilot, Flight Training, and AOPA Online. He was a gifted writer, editor, photographer, audio storyteller, and videographer, and was an instrument-rated pilot and drone pilot.
Topics: Avionics, NextGen, Advocacy

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