Training Tips
'Detailed rules and requirements'
A student pilot in a ground school class is working through scenarios for a theoretical flight that transits the Class D airspace of two towered airports beneath or adjacent to overhanging "shelves" of Class B airspace near Boston.
The student has spread out a sectional chart, drawn a course line, and is explaining to his instructor that he would remain beneath Class B airspace, and contact the two airports' control towers for permission to enter their Class D airspace. The Class D airspace at both airports, Lawrence Municipal Airport and Bedford's Hanscom Field, rises to 2,600 feet.
"How would you proceed if you were flying at 2,500 feet?"
Flight at 2,500 feet would place the flight within the top 100 feet of the Class D airspace—so why not proceed as explained?
There must be a reason; clearly, it will take more research to find the answer. Where to turn for the information?
When examining details for VFR operations in and around major terminal areas, a must-have resource is the current local terminal area chart (TAC). You may think of it mainly as a chart that presents visual information at a scale of 3.43 nautical miles per inch of chart area, but its value goes beyond ease of visual inspection.
"Radials and arcs used to define Class B are prominently shown on TACs. Detailed rules and requirements associated with the particular Class B are shown. The name by which the Class B is identified is shown," explains the FAA's Aeronautical Chart User's Guide. For example, the one the student needs is labeled "VFR Terminal Area Chart Boston."
Surveying the Boston TAC area around Bedford, the student pilot finds the needed information in a note: "Aircraft requesting to transit the Bedford Class D airspace at or above 2500 MSL contact Boston APP on 124.4." A similar note appears next to the Lawrence airport's symbol.
The student notices other details. An arc overlapping Bedford's airport symbol, marking the point where the floor of Class B airspace changes, is identified as 15 nautical miles from Boston. From what point or navaid is the distance measured?
Another detail shows a Boston IFR arrival route passing close to Lawrence. VFR pilots flying in the area would be well advised to note the range of altitudes used for those arrivals.
Flight Training News
The current third class medical system should be eliminated for private flying, according to a member survey done by the Flying Physicians Association. Read more...
George Perry recognized the signs quickly: Hypoxia is something he spent 20 years training for as a U.S. Navy fighter pilot and instructor. As the new leader of the AOPA Foundation's Air Safety Institute, Perry spent his first day on the job dealing with a familiar foe following two accidents possibly related to hypoxia, while preparing to lead a broader effort to engage pilots to participate in making general aviation safer than it has ever been. Read more...
There are many reasons why you will want to be at AOPA's Chino Fly-In on Sept. 20. Here are our top 10.
ERAU to offer new Ph.D. program
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University has won approval of its new doctorate in human factors program. It also has achieved advancement to the highest level of accreditation—institutions that offer four or more doctorates—in a decision by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. The university's other doctoral programs are in aviation, aerospace engineering, engineering physics, and mechanical engineering, and it's the only university in the nation to offer a complete slate of human factors degrees: Bachelor of Science in human factors psychology, Master of Science in human factors, and the new doctorate.
75 years of aviation education
Western Michigan University's College of Aviation is celebrating 75 years of aviation education in 2014. The college started in 1939, when the Department of Vocational Aviation was formed and the university began to offer a two-year aviation mechanics program.
What is flight following, and how does it work? Hear an air traffic controller explain the best way to communicate your request with ATC and what to expect before and during your flight. Watch the video...
STEM projects win NASA funds
NASA has chosen 12 informal educational institutions to receive approximately $6 million in agency funding to provide science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) opportunities in settings including museums, science centers, planetariums, and NASA visitor centers. The education grants were awarded through NASA's Competitive Program for Science Museums, Planetariums and NASA Visitor Centers Plus Other Opportunities.
Training Resources
Whether you're a new, seasoned, or transitioning pilot, the Air Safety Institute's aircraft flash cards provide a quick review of your aircraft's speeds, profiles, systems, and emergency procedures. Each card's subject is on the front with fill-in-the-blank spaces on the back for actual POH information. Download the flash cards...
Did you know that student pilots who join AOPA are three times more likely to complete their flight training? Membership includes unlimited access to aviation information by phone (800/USA-AOPA, weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern time) or from Flight Training Online or AOPA Online. If you're not already a member, join today and get the pilot's edge.
AOPA Live This Week
Yanks Air Museum in Chino, California, a world-class attraction you won't want to miss during the AOPA Fly-In Sept. 20, gave AOPA Live a sneak peek at an impressive (and airworthy) collection. Also, the NTSB notes a decline in general aviation accidents, and Rep. Todd Rokita (R-Ind.) says pilots need to speak up about pilot protection.
AOPA Live This Week®, Sept. 18...
Career Pilot
Boeing: China will lead Asia Pacific in new airplane deliveries
Boeing is projecting a demand in China for 6,020 new airplanes over the next 20 years, valued at $870 billion, in its annual China Current Market Outlook. The outlook reports that Chinese carriers will take delivery of nearly 45 percent of the total demand for airplanes in the Asia Pacific region during the forecast period.
Southwest opens new listening center
Southwest Airlines has unveiled a listening center designed to engage with employees and customers in real time. The airline said the center, located at Southwest's Dallas headquarters, is the first of its kind in the domestic airline industry. The center works closely with the airline's network operations control center, and has staffed a satellite listening center within the network operations control center to relay real-time feedback from customers as operational challenges arise.
For more aviation career news, see the Flight Training website.
Plane Spotter
Glass-cockpit LSA
If the new arrival that just cleared the runway at midfield is a high-winged, strut-braced airplane with wheel pants and distinctively upturned winglets, go ahead and beat your fellow plane spotters to the punch by identifying the visitor as a Jabiru J230 light sport aircraft. The latest model, the J230-D, boasts the large baggage area of predecessor models, as well as an updated 120-horsepower Jabiru 3300 engine and the latest glass-cockpit technology. The Jabiru line hails from Australia. Shelbyville, Tennessee, is the base for domestic distributor Jabiru USA.
Training Products
FAA releases latest edition of 'Safety Briefing'
The September/October 2014 issue of FAA Safety Briefing focuses on student pilots. The issue covers topics from finding the right flight school to general aviation maintenance issues. offers professional pilot book
In Everything Explained for the Professional Pilot, writer Richie Lengel answers questions for pilots of all experience levels, from students to professional pilots, while also tackling questions that many pilots would never even think to ask. This reference book explains all aspects of aviation, from props to heavy jets. The cost is $52.99.
Note: Products listed have not been evaluated by ePilot editors unless otherwise noted. AOPA assumes no responsibility for products or services listed or for claims or actions by manufacturers or vendors.
Member Benefits
Members only
If you're planning to fly into Frederick, Maryland, for AOPA's Homecoming Fly-In on Oct. 4, you'll need to be sure to fulfill your preflight obligations in familiarizing yourself with the operating times of the tower and any special procedures for arrivals and departures at the airport. Read more...
Member benefits
Parking lots can be unpredictable. Keep these tips from Liberty Mutual in mind to help prevent fender benders or more serious accidents. Read more...
Should you sign a training contract if offered a job? If you do, here's what you should know. Read more...
Instrument Tip
A VFR pilot enters instrument conditions shortly after takeoff. Air traffic control gets an instructor on the ground involved to help talk the pilot through the serious situation and narrowly avert tragedy. Read more...
Final Exam
When is a pilot required to file a Defense VFR (DVFR) flight plan?
A DVFR flight plan is required for VFR flights crossing a costal or domestic Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), or Distant Early Warning Identification Zone (DEWIZ). (Source: AIM 5-1-6).
Got a question for our technical services staff? Contact AOPA.
Career Opportunities
Aviation job board
Hartzell Propeller is seeking a flight test engineer to lead flight test activities in support of supplemental type certificates (STCs) for propeller installation on Part 23 aircraft. Responsibilities include flight testing, project management, aerodynamic performance calculation, and customer communication. Learn more about this exciting opportunity.
AOPA career opportunities
Ever dream of turning your passion for aviation into a career? We're looking for an executive assistant for accounting/finance and legal, legal services plan program manager, financial analyst, major gift officer, and account manager II. To learn more about other AOPA career opportunities, visit AOPA Online.
Education and Seminars
Flight Instructor Refresher Courses
Sept 20-21 - Colorado Springs, Colorado; Baltimore, Maryland; and Bellevue, Washington
Sept 27-28 - Richmond, Virginia
Oct 11-12 - Santa Clara, California; Corpus Christi, Texas; Indianapolis, Indiana; and Nashville, Tennessee
Oct 18-19 - Columbia, South Carolina
For a complete schedule, see AOPA Online. Can't make it in person? Sign up for the Air Safety Institute's new Online eFIRC.
Air Safety Institute Safety Seminars
Sept 22 - Arlington, Texas
Sept 23 - Addison, Texas
Sept 29 - Mesa, Arizona; Reno, Nevada; and Hampton, Virginia
Sept 30 - Sacramento, California; Tucson, Arizona; Richmond, Virginia; and Northglenn, Colorado
Topics vary—for details and a complete schedule, see AOPA Online.
Rusty Pilot Seminars
Sept 19 - Chino, California
Sept 20 - San Jose, California; St. Cloud, Florida; and Medford, New Jersey
Sept 27 - Burlington, Washington
Oct 2 - Independence, Oregon
Oct 3 - Frederick, Maryland
For a complete schedule, see AOPA Online.
Aviation Calendar
Want something to do this weekend? Planning an aviation getaway? See AOPA's enhanced calendar of events. Now you can filter events by date range, airport ID, state, or region. Before you take off on an adventure, make sure you check our current aviation weather provided by Jeppesen.
To include an event or to search all events in the calendar, visit AOPA Online. For airport details, including FBO fuel prices, see AOPA Airports.
AOPA Featured Events
Sep 20 — Chino, California. Chino Airport (KCNO). AOPA Fly-In.
Oct 4 — Frederick, Maryland. Frederick Municipal Airport (KFDK). AOPA Homecoming.
Nov 8 — Brunswick, Georgia. Malcom McKinnon Airport (KSSI). AOPA Fly-In.
ePilot Flight Training Editor:
Benét Wilson
Production Assistant:
Melissa Whitehouse |
Sarah Deener
Alyssa Miller
Jim Moore
Jill W. Tallman
Warren Morningstar
Alton K. Marsh
Dave Hirschman
Tom Horne
Ian J. Twombly
Dan Namowitz |