Leaders of two key House committees have introduced a bill to extend FAA funding through March 31, 2016.
Rep. Bill Shuster (R-Pa.), who chairs the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), who chairs the House Committee on Ways and Means, introduced H.R. 3614 on Sept. 25. The bill, which would continue FAA funding at its current levels, is expected to be considered on the floor of the House next week, according to congressional staffers.
“We’ve been anticipating an extension for some time, and we’re pleased that this legislation has been introduced before FAA’s current funding expires,” said Jim Coon, AOPA senior vice president of government affairs. “This should give the House and Senate some breathing room to work through issues affecting a longer-term reauthorization measure. AOPA will continue to be engaged as that process moves forward. Our members should know that we’ll stand firm on our opposition to user fees for general aviation and will continue to seek opportunities to have third class medical reform included in the legislation.”
The FAA’s current authorization is slated to expire Sept. 30. H.R. 3614 would keep the agency operating while the House and Senate work on a more comprehensive, long-term reauthorization package. H.R. 3614 was introduced after FAA funding was dropped from a larger Senate bill designed to prevent a shutdown of the federal government.