AOPA works for members at the state and local level across the United States. Catch up on what the association has done for you recently in the Northwest Mountain region.
AOPA Northwest Mountain Regional Manager Warren Hendrickson recently took part in a meeting of the Washington State Aviation Alliance to elect new officers and begin planning for the 2017 legislative session. The alliance, which includes AOPA and other GA organizations in the state, works with Washington’s Legislative Aviation Caucus and state lawmakers on issues of importance to the GA community. In mid-March, AOPA-supported legislation was introduced in the Colorado legislature to preserve seaplane access to state waterways. And in Utah, lawmakers passed two GA-related initiatives.
HB 24 preserves Utah State Aeronautics funding of search and rescue activities while ensuring no funding from aviation fuel taxes is diverted from aeronautical purposes. And SB 74 provides corrections to the state’s aircraft registration program to ensure better accountability and more predictable funding. In Montana, Hendrickson represented AOPA at the Montana Aviation Conference in Helena where he spoke with fellow aviators about critical issues affecting their flying.