Learn more about mountain flying with this exciting video and slideshows.
On the ground
Pilots push a Cessna 182 to its parking spot at Truckee so that gravel from a spinning propeller doesn’t damage other airplanes.
Coffee on a chilly morning brings a smile.
Kali Smith plays ring toss with her dad, Martin.
Bundled up against cool morning temperatures, pilots gather for coffee and breakfast.
Powered pilots get a chance to experience soaring with the help of the Truckee Tahoe Soaring Association.
Want more mountain flying adventures?
These providers help you explore great heights
Explore the backcountry: Try out the short, rugged airstrips found near the mountains and canyons of Idaho. McCall Mountain/Canyon Flying Seminars, based at McCall Municipal Airport (MYL), McCall, Idaho, offers comprehensive courses, excursions, two-day comprehensive courses, and individual instruction. www.mountaincanyonflying.com.
Land at Leadville: At 9,933 feet msl, Lake County Airport (LXV) in Leadville, Colorado, claims the title of North America’s highest elevation airport. Fly there with the help of Specialty Flight Training, Boulder, Colorado, whose CFIs will help you explore the Rocky Mountains safely. www.specialtyflight.com
The Desolation Wilderness Area of the Sierra Nevada mountain range has peaks that rise to 10,000 feet.
Flying with a current chart helps pilots’ spatial awareness as they navigate through passes.
A pilot learns the right way to hold a signal mirror during a lecture on survival tactics.
The takeoff roll seems endless on a high density altitude day at Truckee Tahoe Airport.
Dr. Howard Donner says a whistle can be a lightweight but extremely useful tool to keep in an emergency survival kit.
Jill W. Tallman
AOPA Technical Editor
AOPA Technical Editor Jill W. Tallman is an instrument-rated private pilot who is part-owner of a Cessna 182Q.