A faulty formulation of fuel fomented frustration (and aircraft damage) in Brazil. AOPA is monitoring the situation closely and asking members who have had any similar issues outside of Brazil to report their experience.
AOPA Brazil began hearing reports of fuel leaks in early July, all involving failures of seals and sealed components throughout the fuel systems of more than 100 aircraft, a situation that was first reported to the Brazilian national aviation authority, ANAC, on July 7. Subsequent testing revealed a deficiency in avgas samples that is believed to have caused the failures: The avgas reportedly had lower-than-normal levels of aromatics, a critical ingredient that helps O-rings and seals inside the fuel system properly expand to seal.
The International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations (IAOPA) and AOPA government affairs staff are supporting AOPA Brazil’s effort to find answers to unresolved questions about an issue that grounded many aircraft.
AOPA Vice President of Regulatory Affairs Murray Huling said there is currently no known evidence that defective 100LL was distributed anywhere outside of Brazil, and AOPA has received no reports of aircraft fuel system leaks or defective avgas in the United States to date; however, the association is eager to confirm that none of the improperly formulated fuel wound up in our supply chain.
Any members who have experienced issues similar to the fuel leaks that grounded many aircraft in Brazil beginning in early July, please report your experience to AOPA.
Any relevant information collected will be shared with the FAA and other stakeholders for review and consideration.