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Fuller to bring senators, representatives to pilots

The fact that users fees are off the table is an indication of how well general aviation’s message is received on Capitol Hill. And while there is strength in numbers, there is also power in personal interaction with members of Congress.

That’s why AOPA is kicking off a series of GA community events to bring members of the House and Senate out to meet with pilots. The first will take place May 22 at Waterloo Regional Airport in Waterloo, Iowa with Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa).

“AOPA is continually working to inform officials on Capitol Hill about the value of general aviation, but we want to give you—their constituents—the opportunity to show them just how important general aviation is to you and your local community,” said AOPA President Craig Fuller. “I encourage every AOPA member to participate in these events as they come to your area throughout the year. This is the perfect opportunity for you to get engaged in protecting general aviation.”

Fuller and Grassley will speak and take questions from pilots at Livingston Aviation at 10 a.m. Grassley, ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee and a member of the newly formed Senate General Aviation Caucus, voted in favor of the Senate FAA reauthorization bill that excluded user fees.

The event coincides with a fly-in/drive-in pancake breakfast that runs from 7 a.m. to noon, which boasts free pancakes for the pilots in command (it’s only $5 for all you can eat for everyone else) and activities such as tandem parachute jumping and airplane rides.

AOPA ePublishing staff
AOPA ePublishing Staff editors are experienced pilots, flight instructors, and aircraft owners who have a passion for bringing you the latest news and AOPA announcements.

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