SPONSOR | | Click here to view this week's custom content online. featured Challenges abound as FAA publishes ADS-B Out mandate The FAA on May 27 published its final rule mandating what owners will be required to have on board their aircraft in order to operate in the new satellite-based air traffic control system known as NextGen. By 2020, Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast Out (ADS-B Out) will be required equipment in all airspace that currently requires a transponder. The equipment will cost the individual general aviation aircraft owner thousands of dollars but only duplicates what already exists with today’s radio transponder. AOPA has always maintained that the migration to satellite-based navigation must be benefits-driven. Read more >> GA NEWS AOPA Foundation, Air Safety Foundation to merge AOPA President Craig Fuller announced May 24 the intention to merge the association’s two 501(c)(3) charitable organizations, the AOPA Foundation and the AOPA Air Safety Foundation, into a single entity known as the AOPA Foundation. Bruce Landsberg, currently president of the AOPA Air Safety Foundation, will lead the combined organization. All of the work currently done by the Air Safety Foundation will continue. Read more >> Bold, new look for ‘ePilot’ Every Friday, ePilot brings you the news you need to know to be a better, safer pilot. To deliver you the news more effectively, we’ve created a fresh, contemporary design for the newsletter. You’ll receive the new ePilot on June 4, but you can check out this preview edition now! Read more >> Airshow renaissance In the midst of the deep recession, more than 26 million spectators turned out at airshows across the United States in 2009. This year, organizers of the 400 airshows that take place in the United States each year are optimistic they’ll hold on to last year’s gains, and John Cudahy, president of the International Council of Air Shows, predicts a “mini-renaissance.” Watch the Aeroshell aerobatic team’s AT-6 Texans in formation from the cockpit, and read how the popular flying events can strengthen the bond between general aviation and the public. Watch AOPA Live >> Red Bull racers tackle Times Square Red Bull Air Race pilots and aircraft traded their high-speed acts for some ground time May 25, setting up an exhibit in the heart of New York City—Times Square. The exhibit was staged to hype the upcoming race in the metro area June 19 and 20 over the Hudson River and Liberty State Park, but its impact could have a much broader reach, just like the races. Read more >> Kerosene engine certified in Europe Centurion has received a supplemental type certificate from the European Aviation Safety Agency for the installation of the 155-horsepower Centurion 2.0s kerosene-fueled, piston engine in the Cessna 172. The Centurion 2.0s is the more powerful version of the well-established Centurion 2.0. With an identical weight, it generates an additional 20 hp. First deliveries begin in June. Read more >> Older mufflers may be dangerous It is just a suggestion from the FAA, not an order, but you probably ought to replace mufflers that have been in service for 1,000 hours or more. A university study shows older mufflers are involved in a high percentage of accidents related to carbon monoxide poisoning. The report shows that in carbon monoxide-related cases where the muffler was identified as the source of the leakage, 92 percent of the aircraft had a muffler with more than 1,000 hours of service. Read more >> NextGen plan must consider cost for GA pilots As the FAA continues to work toward NextGen implementation, AOPA is reminding the agency and industry leaders that the cost burden to equip general aviation aircraft with new technology must be taken into consideration. AOPA President Craig Fuller and other association staff met with leaders from various GA associations last week at the FAA’s William J. Hughes Technical Center near Atlantic City, N.J., to learn more about the research and development and technical aspects of NextGen. Read more >> UND wins sixteenth national Safecon championship The University of North Dakota (UND) Flying Team won the National Intercollegiate Flying Association’s 2010 Safety and Flight Evaluation Conference, better known as Safecon. The win marked UND’s sixteenth national Safecon championship in the 25 years that the university has participated in the annual competition. Jim Higgins, coach of the UND flight team, was recognized as Coach of the Year. Read more >> Single data burst can locate crash scene A newly commissioned search-and-rescue ground station at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center near Washington, D.C., takes advantage of search-and-rescue repeaters on GPS satellites. It’s the only one of its kind in the world. The ground station is capable of receiving instantaneous bursts of data, relayed by the satellite, including the GPS location. It provides search capability for ships, aircraft, and hikers. Read more >> Politicians and Planes: GA in the halls of Congress When general aviation is threatened in Washington, D.C., legislators need to be informed and engaged. This happens effectively through a caucus. Last year, AOPA was instrumental in launching GA caucuses in both the House and the Senate. What motivated legislators to participate in the caucuses? Six members—all pilots—share not only a passion for flying, but an acute awareness of general aviation as an economic development tool and business resource. Meet the members >> Half a million strong: Pilots must stick together When it comes to general aviation pilots’ right to travel, Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) told 100 aviators at Waterloo Regional Airport, “don’t compromise … you should be able to decide how you want to travel.” Grassley’s passionate plea to pilots came May 22 during the first of a series of GA community events sponsored by AOPA this year. Watch AOPA Live >> World's largest airship nearly ready Watch for a really big airship to fly somewhere in the Montgomery, Ala., area later this year. At 235 feet, builder E-Green Technologies claims it is, or will be, the largest in the world. The airship can carry payloads of 2,000 pounds up to 20,000 feet at dash speeds of 80 mph. The Bullet 580 looks like, well, a bullet. Payloads are carried inside the outer envelope, which is one-sixteenth of an inch thick but 10 times stronger than steel. Read more >> Zeppelin breaks world record Jim Dexter covered 459.3 miles in 10 hours May 25 to break the world distance record for a modern airship. Dexter, director of flight operations for Airship Ventures, flew the Farmers Airship, a Zeppelin called Eureka. Read more >> Outside the cockpit: Attracting people to GA The general aviation community needs to think outside the cockpit for ways to entice others to go out to their local airport and learn how to fly. AOPA is spearheading that effort in numerous ways, including different venues for its Pilot Town Hall meetings. On May 21 and 22, AOPA President Craig Fuller spoke to pilots in San Antonio, Texas, and Blaine, Minn., respectively. Those who attended each Pilot Town Hall received a special treat—the opportunity to peruse historic aircraft. Read more >> FAA bill provision could affect U.S. maintenance jobs Members of Congress are urging House transportation leaders to preserve American jobs by accepting the Senate version of a foreign repair station oversight provision in the FAA reauthorization bill. As the House and Senate work to reconcile their two versions of the bill, negotiators must address differences regarding a requirement for inspections of FAA-certificated foreign repair stations. The Senate version makes an exception if a bilateral safety agreement allows for comparable inspection by local authorities. Read more >> Chicago Class B extensions raise concerns The FAA has issued a notice of proposed rulemaking to amend the boundaries of the Chicago Class B airspace to contain aircraft arriving and departing from O’Hare International Airport. The proposal would establish two new airspace extensions, to the east and west of the current airspace, with floors of 4,000 feet. AOPA is concerned that these extensions would leave too little space for general aviation traffic. Read more >> Historic photos placed online Browse 100,000 historic aviation-related photos online. The San Diego Air and Space Museum is sharing the photos on Flickr (or see a sampling on AOPA Online). The aviation-related subjects include foreign and domestic military and civilian aircraft, the Flying Tigers, aviation-related biographic photos, the Ryan Aeronautical Archive, and the Pacific Southwest Airlines archive. The museum’s library and archives house one of the world’s largest collections of aerospace still and moving images. Read more >> Proposed AD would require Rotax crankcase inspection The FAA has proposed an airworthiness directive (AD) for certain aircraft equipped with Rotax 912 A series engines that would require the inspection of crankcases for cracks and replacement of the crankcase if cracks are found. The proposed AD results from a similar directive issued by the European Aviation Safety Agency because of reports of cracks in the engine crankcase. Read more >> Garmin unit approved for helicopters The FAA has granted a supplemental type certificate for Garmin’s G500H, an all-glass avionics system designed specifically for the VFR Part 27 helicopter market. The STC is for the Bell 206-series and Bell 407 helicopters. Read more >> Michael Combs returns to the Midwest Sport pilot Michael Combs and the Flight for the Human Spirit returned to the Midwest last week—but not for long. Combs expects to move on to Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee, and Georgia in Hope One, his Remos GX light sport aircraft. Read more >> Aviation pioneers take stage in ‘Take Flight’ From Jimmy Stewart’s portrayal of Lindbergh in “The Spirit of St. Louis” in 1957 to Hilary Swank’s performance in “Amelia” last year, the biographies of aviation pioneers have lent themselves over the years to dramatic depictions. “Take Flight,” a musical that had its American premiere in Princeton, N.J., this month, tells the story of the Wright brothers, Charles Lindbergh, and Amelia Earhart. Read more >> FAA chart covers to get new design FAA charts will soon have a new look. AeroNav Services (formerly NACO), the division of the FAA responsible for development and distribution of aeronautical navigation charts and products, will introduce new chart cover designs beginning in July. All of the same data will still be available to pilots. Read more >> For daily news updates, see AOPA Online. Safety & Proficiency Spin test: Aerodynamics quiz reviews forces in flight The most critical test of a pilot’s aerodynamics knowledge happens in the air. Whether they lose track of airspeed, fail to respond properly when behind the power curve on final approach, or don’t plan on the ground to ensure their safety in the air, too many pilots get lost in the gap between theory and practice. The AOPA Air Safety Foundation quiz on aerodynamics tests theory and real-world decision making, including a chance to watch a spin from the pilot’s perspective and decide how to recover. Take the quiz >> The ramp holds hazards for the careless Spinning propellers, the blast of jet exhaust, fuel trucks, and pedestrians all coexist on the ramp—and inattention or carelessness in that busy environment can have harsh consequences. Find out about common ramp hazards, from ungrounded magnetos and inexperienced hand-propping to litter and cigarettes, in a new AOPA Air Safety Foundation safety brief, “ Ramp Operations.”
Plan for furry flyers on holiday trips When you round up the family for a holiday weekend trip, an airplane can turn the long car ride into a short hop. But even a short flight can go wrong if you don’t take steps to keep your passengers comfortable—pets included. If your pet gets motion sickness in the car, it may be worse in an airplane. Consult your vet for ways to make the flight easier. For more tips on flying with pets and family, see the Pilot Information Center subject report. Brush up on medical issues in ‘Cardiovascular 101’ Hypertension is one of the most common conditions the FAA handles from an airmen medical certification standpoint. AOPA Director of Medical Certification Services Gary Crump and AOPA Medical Consultant Jonathan Sackier talked about hypertension and other cardiovascular conditions in “Cardiovascular 101” at Sun ‘n Fun. See what you missed >> [INT_A] airport support Learn how to protect your airport in a free Webinar Make a difference at your airport! Learn how airport decisions are made and who is responsible for various airport operations. Engage with AOPA to learn about common threats to airports and how to protect and promote the importance of your airport. Join AOPA’s airports team on Thursday, June 10, for a Webinar at 3 and 9 p.m. Eastern time. Register online. To learn more about the Airport Support Network, visit ASN Online. blogs AOPA Now: 36 hours of engagement Get a glimpse of AOPA President Craig Fuller’s whirlwind tour of three states, spending time with members who have a passion for flying. Read more >> Air Safety eJournal: Heard about the bird? Ever since Canada geese racked up a score against Sully’s Airbus in the Hudson, a lot more attention has been paid to our avian friends. The NTSB just published some recommendations on how to deal with birds—not the least of which was reminding flight crews that bird-induced power-off landings are a possibility even in air carrier jets. Read more >> Reporting Points: Only two tries? Tossing a basketball out of the back seat of a Super Cub—in flight—and having it go right through the hoop? That’s the latest feat accomplished by Dude Perfect, six college roommates from Texas with a history of slick trick shots. Read more >> Fun to Fly 2010 Sweepstakes: Flight planning made easier The Remos needed to come back from Lancaster, where it had gone for maintenance, to Frederick Municipal in time for International Learn to Fly Day. A warm front was stalled over the entire area, bringing showers and low ceilings, and the window of opportunity to bring it back was shrinking. Find out how Jill W. Tallman used AOPA Airports to get the Remos home safely. Read more >> member benefits How well are you managing your health? Staying healthy is an important part of being a pilot, and the AOPA Medical Services Program has numerous tools and a robust assortment of resources to help you do just that. One of those valuable resources is WorldDoc, a secure heath education site that provides the tools and education you need to better manage your health. Start by spending a few minutes taking a health risk assessment to get personalized recommendations on how best to improve your health. Read more >> Planning a trip? AOPA helps you save Whether your idea of the perfect vacation involves sun and sand, mountains and lakes, or exotic islands, AOPA Online Travel can help you make the most of your trip. AOPA Online Travel offers great rates on airfare, hotels, and cruises. You can even save on your car rental from Alamo, Avis, Enterprise, and Hertz with special AOPA discounts and members-only coupons for free rental days, dollars off, and free upgrades. Read more >> Quiz Me Here's a question asked by an AOPA member who contacted our aviation services staff through the AOPA Pilot Information Center. Test your knowledge. Question: I fly a Cessna 172 and a Beech Baron. If I have completed my three takeoffs and landings in the last 90 days in a 172, but not in the Baron, am I still current to carry passengers in a multiengine airplane? Answer: No. Under 14 CFR 61.57(a), to be legal for carrying passengers you must have made at least three takeoffs and three landings in an aircraft of the same category, class, and type (if required). Remember that category in this case means the broad classification of airplane and class means single engine, multiengine, land, water, etc. In the scenario above, you must complete the takeoffs and landings in a multiengine airplane like a Baron in order to be legal for carrying passengers. Got a question for our aviation services staff? The AOPA Pilot Information Center is a service available to all members as part of the annual dues. Call 800/872-2672, or e-mail to [email protected]. Send comments on our Quiz Me! questions to [email protected]. Picture Perfect AOPA’s online photo gallery allows you to upload your own aviation photography as well as view, rate, and comment on others’ photos. AOPA members have uploaded more than 5,500! Your favorite aviation images from AOPA Pilot are still available online through this new gallery. Take a look, and submit your own photos! Aviation Events & Weather Want something to do this weekend? Planning an aviation getaway? See your personalized online calendar of events . We’ve enhanced our calendar so that with one click, you can see all of the events listed in the calendar regions you selected when personalizing ePilot. Now you can browse events in your region to your planning easier. You can also bookmark the personalized calendar page to check it as often as you want. Before you take off on an adventure, make sure you check our current aviation weather provided by Jeppesen. To include an event or to search all events in the calendar visit AOPA Online. For airport details, including FBO fuel prices, see AOPA Airports. [SPEC8] Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics The next AOPA Air Safety Foundation Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics are scheduled in Phoenix, Ariz., Orlando, Fla., and Minneapolis, Minn., June 5 and 6; Columbus, Ohio, and Ashburn, Va., June 12 and 13; San Jose, Calif., and Charlotte, N.C., June 26 and 27. For a complete schedule, see AOPA Online. Can’t make it in person? Sign up for the CFI Refresher Online. AOPA Air Safety Foundation Safety Seminars AOPA Air Safety Foundation Safety Seminars are scheduled in Oshkosh, Wis., July 28, 29, and 30; Germantown, Tenn., Aug., 30; Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 31; and Maryville, Tenn., Sept. 1. Topics vary—for details and a complete schedule, see AOPA Online. |