AOPA joined the Sedona Airport community Sept. 25 in welcoming the public to a day at the airport—complete with rides in a Ford Tri-Motor.
The “Tin Goose” sold out flights throughout the day at the Airport Day and Car Show, an event that featured classic, military, and state-of-the art aircraft as well as more than 100 classic cars. AOPA Senior Vice President of Advocacy Melissa Rudinger participated in a press flight on the Tri-Motor and showed support for the airport’s community outreach.
“The Tri-Motor, was a big hit and sold out in a matter of a few hours. It was a great way to spread the joy of flying to the public,” Rudinger said. The Tri-Motor was sponsored by Scott Crowell Law Office and operated by volunteer pilots and staff from Grand Canyon Airlines.
The Ford Tri-Motor was the nation’s first all-metal transport airplane, and only a few are still in flying condition. AOPA Pilot contributor Barry Schiff discussed flying the Ford Tri-Motor in the May 2010 feature “ Tin Goose”.
“Flying a Ford Tri-Motor is like roaring through the pages of aviation history,” Schiff wrote. “It is entering a time warp and returning to a simpler yet more challenging era. Unlike many modern aircraft, vintage machines have unique personalities reflective of a bygone era.”