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AOPA puts GA on the table at GOP, Democratic conventions

Delegates, lawmakers, and anyone else planning to attend one or both summer conventions of the major political parties are urged to start a conversation with AOPA.

Issues critical to pilots, aircraft owners, and the millions of people who work in or benefit from the general aviation industry will be decided by many of the people expected to attend the conventions—from congressional leaders to local officials across the country. AOPA continues to take a proactive approach to policymaking, and will deploy staff at both conventions to help educate decision-makers about the value of GA, and the role it plays in economic recovery, job preservation, and job creation.

“It is a great opportunity to make sure that these influential people learn about general aviation, get exposed to our issues, and understand that we are an organized community,” said Greg Pecoraro, AOPA vice president of airports and state advocacy. “No matter who wins in November, AOPA will still be there to work with them on behalf of general aviation.”

Share your National Convention participation

AOPA will be joined by NBAA at both conventions. Their presence will remind leaders from both parties and the media about the value of GA, including its vital role in the nation’s transportation infrastructure, the many charitable activities of pilots and aircraft owners, and the importance of preserving the freedom to fly for generations to come. The strength of 400,000 members creates an opportunity for AOPA to be heard on critical issues at a time when politicians are most sensitive to the interests of voters.

AOPA strongly encourages anyone who plans to attend one or both conventions to contact the association and answer a brief questionnaire that will help AOPA staff ensure that everyone with a question gets an answer, and everyone with an interest in aviation gets a voice in the discussion of key issues.

Jim Moore
Jim Moore
Managing Editor-Digital Media
Digital Media Managing Editor Jim Moore joined AOPA in 2011 and is an instrument-rated private pilot, as well as a certificated remote pilot, who enjoys competition aerobatics and flying drones.
Topics: Advocacy, Aviation Industry, Ownership

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