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Letter to AOPA members from chairman of the board: As the AOPA Board of Trustees begins the search for the association's fifth president, board Chairman Bill Trimble lays out AOPA's commitment to advocacy efforts that protect our freedom to fly, the association's economic state, and its plans for the future to "focus on our core member, the pilot who enjoys flying his owned or rented piston single as many hours as he or she can afford." Read more >> |
FeaturedCuriosity captures Collier: Possible life on Mars?![]() Sometimes the planets line up just right. March 12 was such a day, as NASA revealed that data gathered by the Mars rover Curiosity had given a "yes" answer to whether the planet might have once supported a habitable environment, based on analysis of a rock found near an ancient stream bed. On the same day, the NASA/JPL Mars Science Laboratory/Curiosity Project Team learned that another pending question had been answered in the positive: The National Aeronautic Association announced that the team had won the 2012 Robert J. Collier Trophy "in recognition of the extraordinary achievements of successfully landing Curiosity on Mars, advancing the nation's technological and engineering capabilities, and significantly improving humanity's understanding of ancient Martian habitable environments." Find out what's keeping the earthbound spellbound. GA NewsNTSB, 'frustrated' and 'disheartened,' tries new tacticThe National Transportation Safety Board hopes a new set of safety alerts and videos will leverage limited resources to stem the persistent toll of common mistakes that lead to general aviation accidents. At a March 12 meeting, board members and staff shared personal accounts of their own aviation experience, speaking pilot-to-pilots about risk management, aircraft control, planning, and breaking the accident chain. Read more >> Bank of America newest AOPA Strategic PartnerAOPA announced March 8 a new Strategic Partnership with Bank of America that will further boost support for general aviation while offering AOPA members generous cash-back rewards. Read more >> Beechcraft once again protests Air Force contractBeechcraft lost the $427.5 million Air Force contract for the light air support ground attack aircraft, and like the previous time it lost, the company will protest the contract. Read more >> Cessna 162 slows to nearly a halt, prompting questions![]() Cessna's two-seat 162 has been among the best-selling light sport aircraft, but shipments have slowed to a trickle and the company is not explaining why—yet. Available data suggest there are airframes, if not completed aircraft, piling up in Kansas and/or China: A third of the Skycatchers in the FAA registration database are still owned by Cessna, which is not ready, a spokesman said, to respond to detailed questions. The company announced last year it would certify the Cessna 162 under the little-used primary aircraft category, though it would remain flyable as a light sport. Read more >> MedXPress to be unavailable March 14 to 17The FAA online medical application, MedXPress, will be unavailable from 5 p.m. Eastern on March 14 through 8 p.m. Eastern on March 17 while work is done to convert the current server-based medical records system to a Web-based product. Read more >> Lainey's first flightWhen Bobby Woodson took his 6-year-old daughter Lainey for her first airplane ride last fall, he had no idea that their sunset trip around a grass strip in South Carolina would become an Internet sensation. Lainey's unbridled expressions of joy, concern, discovery, and excitement convey the very best of what flying has to offer. Read more >> Cirrus announces leadership shift, Vision on track Go behind the scenesCalifornia's West Valley Flying Club has been in operation for more than 40 years, helping 10,000 members stay involved with aviation. Find out about the day-to-day operations of the club, which includes a diverse fleet of 40-plus airplanes and instructors, during a webinar at 8 p.m. Eastern on March 20. Register now >> Apps to help prepare for private pilot exam, flight reviewNeed to study the federal aviation regulations and Aeronautical Informational Manual? Have a checkride or flight review coming up? This week, AOPA members share apps that can help you study and prepare for everything from the knowledge test or practical private pilot exam to the flight review. Read more >> Detroit Tuskegee Airmen Glider Club on a mission French jet maker reports good newsDassault Aviation in France had flat news for the past, good news for the future, and less than enthusiastic comments for the American market. Dassault Falcon Jet deliveries were at the same level as 2011: 66 Falcon Jets and 11 Rafale fighters, compared to 63 Falcon Jets and 11 Rafale fighters in 2011. However, orders were up significantly: 58 Falcon Jets compared to 36 in 2011. Read more >> Master metal artist dies at 67Bill Yoak of Lewisburg, W.Va., was an artist who made metal works of fantasy, mystery, and beauty—and all of them flew. He provided fantasy aircraft to Hollywood, mysterious aircraft for the Lockheed Skunk Works, and beautiful ones for himself and warbird owners. Yoak died in mid-March at age 67. Read more >> Cockpit smoke solution (still) costly, rarely used Vote for favorite 'AOPA Pilot' coverAnother year has passed with another year of great AOPA Pilot magazine covers. See a list of the covers and vote for your favorite of 2012. Results will be published in the May issue of AOPA Pilot. Vote >> Special Sun 'n Fun admission discounts for AOPA membersAOPA members can enjoy a $5 discount off daily admission to the thirty-ninth annual Sun 'n Fun Fly-In every day of the show from April 9 through 14 in Lakeland, Fla. Read more >> ForeFlight crosses a frontierWhen Frontier Airlines announced that it had begun an FAA-approved program to evaluate Apple iPads as electronic flight bags in its cockpits, the news marked a new frontier for a maker of intelligent apps for general aviation pilots. As part of its EFB program, Denver, Colo.-based Frontier said it has entered a partnership with ForeFlight. Read more >> |
Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics | Air Safety Institute Safety Seminars | |||||||||
For a complete schedule, see AOPA Online. Can't make it in person? Sign up for the CFI Refresher Online. |
Topics vary—for details and a complete schedule, see AOPA Online. |
AOPA is urging FAA Administrator Michael Huerta to halt cuts that will disproportionately affect the safety and integrity of general aviation operations. "The recommended cuts will have unacceptable consequences for the nation and the flying community," AOPA President Craig Fuller said in a March 12 letter to Huerta. Read more >>
Federal budget cuts mandated by sequestration have begun to make their presence felt in reduced Customs and Border Protection and FAA control tower schedules at general aviation airports including some of the most heavily used facilities for international flights in Arizona, California, Florida, and Texas. Read more >>
An effort is under way in Congress to find ways to protect the FAA's Contract Tower Program, which is among the programs under threat from looming automatic sequestration cuts. Read more >>
The Federal Communication Commission's plan to prohibit the certification, manufacture, importation, sale, or use of 121.5 MHz ELTs—effectively forcing pilots to switch to 406 MHz ELTs—would hinder, not improve, aviation safety and conflicts with existing laws, AOPA says. That's a high cost to impose on the industry for a switch when there has been no study or analysis provided showing increased safety benefits. Read more >>
The redesign of Class B airspace at Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, could be an opportunity for the FAA to offer general aviation more options for transiting and navigating the airspace, AOPA said. Members are encouraged to study and comment by March 25 on the Class B redesign proposal, which would greatly expand and lower the Class B airspace. Read more >>
Ensuring the health and vitality of your airport is up to you—incompatible development and economic and political pressures can restrict your flying. Every day, close to 2,500 Airport Support Network (ASN) volunteers work with AOPA headquarters to help save their airports, but we need more. Below is a link to a list of the airports where an ASN volunteer could make a difference. To nominate yourself or an associate to be a volunteer, visit AOPA Online. To learn more about the Airport Support Network, visit ASN Online.
You can't judge a logbook by its cover. The most important part of the logbook is the inside, and your ability to log the information required by the regulations and capture any original signatures that may be necessary. Read more >>
Picture PerfectAOPA's online photo gallery allows you to upload your own aviation photography as well as view, rate, and comment on others' photos. Your favorite aviation images from AOPA Pilot are still available online through this new gallery. Take a look, and submit your own photos!! | | |
Engage in AviationCheck out user-submitted events from your region. To include an event or to search all events in the calendar, visit AOPA Online. AOPA does not endorse the events listed below, nor have ePilot editors edited the submissions. AOPA assumes no responsibility for events listed.
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QUIZ ME!Here's an edited question asked by an AOPA member who contacted our aviation services staff through the AOPA Pilot Information Center. Test your knowledge.
Question: What is pilotage?
Answer: Pilotage means navigation by visual reference to landmarks. It is a method of navigation that can be used on any course that has adequate checkpoints, but it is more commonly used in conjunction with dead reckoning and VFR radio communication. With the popularity of GPS, pilotage has largely been replaced with "direct to" navigation, but it is important to keep the skill sharp for both a backup and an emergency means of navigation. Read more in this article from Flight Training magazine.
Got a question for our aviation services staff? The AOPA Pilot Information Center is a service available to all members as part of the annual dues. Call 800/USA-AOPA (800/872-2672), or email to [email protected]. |
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