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We fly Diamond's apex; FBO consolidation

AOPA ePilot
VOL 24, ISSUE 27 July 8, 2022
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Top Stories
Flying the new V-6 'apex' Diamond DA50 RG
Pilot Magazine
Flying the new V-6 'apex' Diamond DA50 RG
AOPA Pilot Editor at Large Tom Horne shares his takeaways from flying "the apex Diamond single." (Photo by Mark Wagner.) Read more, view photos, and watch a video >
Signature Aviation buys TAC Air
TAC Air FBO and hangar operations in nine states have been acquired by the world's largest FBO chain. Read more >
AOPA Pilot Producer's Pick
Living up to the legacy
Sixteen-year-old Iain Lanphier, the great-grandson of Tuskegee Airman Brig. Gen. Charles McGee, is working to follow those fighter pilot footsteps. Watch the video >
AOPA Pilot Video News Brief
Bahamas rebound; SubSonex jet; Biggest FBO gets bigger
Three years after a one-two hurricane punch, the Bahamas has bounced back. Also this week, FBO consolidation continues, a homebuilt eVTOL is plugged, and a new FAA administrator is nominated. Watch the July 8 edition >
Technique and Safety
More backcountry learning for pilots
Register to join us online July 14 for the second of three AOPA Air Safety Institute webinars on backcountry flying, and if you missed the first, watch the video >
Online Resource
Mountain flying
Mountain flying can be an exhilarating experience. It also demands special skills. Learn how to manage the risks in this AOPA Air Safety Institute Safety Spotlight.
'The impossible turn'
In this AOPA Air Safety Institute Real Pilot Story, a pilot shares his experience with making the "impossible turn," along with footage from the event.
AOPA Premier Partner created content
Score this flight simulator
Choose what you would do to handle this challenging aeronautical scenario, then enter online and you might wind up with a complete desktop flight simulator to show for it. Take the PilotWorkshops challenge >
Pilot Protection Services
Don't miss details
On the ground and in the air, it is essential to avoid distraction and pay attention to the "little things." Read more >
Skyfly announces Axe homebuilt eVTOL
U.K.-based Skyfly announced a two-seat eVTOL with a projected range of up to 200 miles that will be marketed for personal transportation and possibly for pilot training. Read more >
'Hangar Talk': Mooney Caravan leader Chuck Crinnian
Our popular podcast (still available in audio form) arrives on YouTube as Mooney Caravan President Chuck "Cowboy" Crinnian explains how 50 pilots prepare for a mass arrival to EAA AirVenture Oshkosh in Wisconsin. Watch the podcast >
'Ask the A&Ps' live at AirVenture
EAA AirVenture Oshkosh attendees are invited to watch our first-ever live Ask the A&Ps podcast recording, and/or email your questions in advance. Read more and listen to the podcast >
Want more general aviation travel stories? Sign up for our AOPA Travel Pilot biweekly newsletter.
AOPA Aviation Finance
First things first
AOPA Aviation Finance counsels it's best to buy an airplane before any other major purchase or life move that might affect cash flow. Read more >
News and Notes
Denver airport chief nominated to lead FAA
The White House confirmed on July 6 that Denver International Airport CEO Phillip A. Washington will be nominated to become the next FAA administrator. Read more >
Pilot Protection Services
Legal considerations for volunteer pilots
Pilots should exercise caution when volunteering to fly for causes that they are passionate about. AOPA Legal Services Plan attorney Ian Arendt explains the issues that can arise. Read more >
Longest-serving AOPA board member mourned
Robert Anderson "Andy" Pew, who served for 44 years as an AOPA trustee, died June 25 just outside Philadelphia. He was 85. Read more >
Shockwave Jet Truck driver dies in crash at airshow
Longtime airshow entertainer and driver of the Shockwave Jet Truck Chris Darnell, 40, died in a high-speed accident during a performance at the Battle Creek Field of Flight Airshow in Michigan on July 2. Read more >
Garmin GI 275 available for Robinson helicopters
Garmin announced its GI 275 electronic flight instrument now has FAA approval for use in Robinson R22 and R44 helicopters. Read more >
Sullenberger departs ICAO
Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger resigned for unspecified reasons a little more than six months after Congress confirmed his appointment to serve as ambassador to the International Civil Aviation Organization. Read more >
Airworthiness advisory
Career Opportunities
Aviation job board
Job of the week: Aircraft crew lead, Dassault Falcon Jet
Dassault Falcon Jet is hiring an aircraft maintenance crew lead. This position reports to the aircraft crew chief(s). Read the full description and apply today >
AOPA career opportunities
Join the AOPA team
Ever dream of turning your passion for aviation into a career? AOPA is looking for a medical certification specialist, a product marketing coordinator, a senior manager of communications, a Legal Services Plan attorney, a Western Pacific regional manager, and a graphic designer. Learn about AOPA career opportunities >
Question of the Week

If I complete an instrument proficiency check in January, that makes me current for six months (February to July 31). If I do not complete six approaches, a hold, and a track by August 1, I will be unable to file and fly IFR. Would I still have six months (August to January) to regain currency (flying with a safety pilot or CFII) before an instrument proficiency check is required?
For maintaining currency before having to fly with a safety pilot, look within the six calendar months preceding the month in which you want to file an IFR flight. To file IFR in August, the six-month period you have to meet the FAR 61.57(c)(1) requirement is February through July. If the requirement is not met during that time you then have six months (August through January) to fly with a safety pilot. After that time, you would need an IPC. Join the discussion >

This discussion is from our online Pilot Information Center, where you can ask questions, contribute answers, earn badges, and join our growing pilot community online. (Log in to the online Pilot Information Center using your AOPA website username and password to see this discussion.) Have a question for our technical services staff? Contact AOPA.
Education & Seminars
Stay sharp with AOPA's seminars, webinars, podcasts, and videos.
AOPA Rusty Pilots seminars
Jul 16 Cheektowaga, New York, and Terre Haute, Indiana
Jul 27 Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Aug 6 Cleveland, Ohio, and Amarillo, Texas
Aug 13 Nashville, Tennessee, and Rochester, Minnesota
For a complete schedule, visit our online Pilot Information Center. (Log in to our online Pilot Information Center using your AOPA website username and password to view these events.)
Upcoming AOPA webinars
Jul 14, 7 p.m. EDT Flying the backcountry: Risks and rewards - Group flying dynamics
Aug 24, 12 p.m. EDT AOPA Rusty Pilots - Webinar edition
See the full webinar schedule in our online Pilot Information Center. (Log in to our online Pilot Information Center using your AOPA website username and password to view these events.) View our recently recorded webinars (registration required).
Latest AOPA Pilot Lounge videos
Building the aviation community—Vermont Aviators Association
New Aerospace Center for Excellence leader Eric Crump
'The Aviators'/'The RVers'/'The Boaters' TV shows' Anthony Nalli
For a full list of Pilot Lounge videos, see the AOPA Live® YouTube channel.
AOPA podcasts
'Ask the A&Ps': 'I'm a reformed shock cooling worrier'
'Hangar Talk': Mooney Caravan leader Chuck Crinnian
'Pilot Briefing': Week of Jul 4, 2022
'There I was...': Paul Loewenstein and Larry Suter
'Never Again': Geese on final
To see all AOPA podcasts, visit AOPA Online.
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ePilot Editors:
Niki Britton
Alyssa Cobb
Lillian Geil
Jim Moore

Production Team:
Elizabeth Linares
Melissa Whitehouse
Sarah Deener
Alicia Herron
Dave Hirschman
Tom Horne
Cayla McLeod
Warren Morningstar
Kollin Stagnito
Jill Tallman
David Tulis
Ian Twombly
Julie Summers Walker
Amelia Walsh
Advertise in ePilot:
Initial advertising inquiries:
Donna Stoner, 301-695-2336

Eastern and Central United States, Canada, and International:
Jeff Rockwood, 301-695-2089

Western United States:
Jonathan Taylor, 301-695-2338

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