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Training and Safety Tip: What's next?

AOPA Flight Training
VOL 22, ISSUE 22 June 3, 2022
Training and Safety Tips
What's next?
Sponsored by Aircraft Spruce
What's next?
In the interest of thinking ahead of the airplane, here are four questions pilots should always be asking. Read more >
Using in-flight weather resources
The weather tools available to us before we take off are incredibly robust. In the air, resources thin out considerably. Read more >
Flight Training News
You need AFTA
AOPA Flight Training Advantage is a web portal- and iPad-based app designed to make flight training more efficient for the student, the flight instructor, and the flight school. Read more >
Always learning
In the zone
Why do we fly? Some pilots rhapsodize about the freedom of soaring with the eagles; others praise the utility of point-to-point travel. But maybe it's something more fundamental. Read more >
Road trip
Bird's-eye view
Whether by land or by air, Yellowstone National Park is worthy of a visit. Read more >
How it works
Sighting devices
Sighting devices help aerobatic pilots more precisely fly the straight lines that competition judges want to see. Read more >
Where midair risk increases
Most midair collisions, while rare, happen near airports, at low altitude, during the day. These tips and techniques help keep you well clear of traffic. Watch the video >
AOPA Pilot® Producer's Pick
Flying the turbodiesel Diamond DA50 RG
AOPA Pilot Editor at Large Tom Horne was among the first to fly the Diamond DA50 RG that will soon tour the United States. Watch the video >
Career News
Career Pilot
Training troubles
While the headlines scream pilot shortage again, reality paints a somewhat different picture. The major airlines are ramping up hiring at a pace even greater than prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more >
Supply chain woes continue
Supply chain volatility brought on by the coronavirus pandemic is delaying deliveries of aircraft, engines, and parts. Read more >
Aviation job board
Job of the week: First officer, Republic Airways
The first officer supports the aircraft captain by ensuring safe and timely piloting of aircraft and performing other aircraft management duties. Read the full description and apply today >
AOPA career opportunities
Join the AOPA team
Ever dream of turning your passion for aviation into a career? AOPA is looking for a data analyst, a Legal Services Plan attorney, a Western Pacific regional manager, a product marketing coordinator, a financial analyst, a graphic designer, and a staff accountant. Learn about AOPA career opportunities >
Training Products and Resources
Login required
Fond du Lac to Festus
Test your VFR cross-country knowledge by preparing for a flight from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, to Festus, Missouri, in this quiz from the AOPA Air Safety Institute. Take the quiz >
Note: Products listed have not been evaluated by Flight Training editors unless otherwise noted. AOPA assumes no responsibility for products or services listed or for claims or actions by manufacturers or vendors.
Member Benefits
Pilot protection services
Pollens, pilots, and pharmaceuticals
A pilot and pharmacist recommends solutions for pilots with allergy symptoms. Read more >
Photo of the Week
Mountains to molehills
Mountains to molehills
Hot weather and high altitude are performance challenges no matter what you're flying, but the Kitfox Series 7 STi thrives in such conditions. AOPA Pilot Editor at Large Dave Hirschman tried his hand at an STi in its native territory of Idaho with AOPA Senior Photographer David Tulis documenting the experience. Read the story to learn more and be sure to follow @flywithaopa on Instagram to see more work from AOPA members and staff.
Final Exam

When do I need to make radio calls when flying at a nontowered airport?
The Aeronautical Information Manual lists five calls for inbound aircraft (10 miles out, on entering downwind, on base, on final, and when leaving the runway), and two calls for departing aircraft (before taxiing, and before taxiing on the runway for departure). More calls may be necessary depending on the situation. Also, be sure to remain alert and look for other traffic, maintain situational awareness, give accurate position reports, and state your intentions. Read the full answer and join the discussion >

This discussion is from our online Pilot Information Center, where you can ask questions, contribute answers, earn badges, and join our growing pilot community online. (Log in to the online Pilot Information Center using your AOPA website username and password to see this discussion.) Did you know that student pilots who join AOPA are three times more likely to complete their flight training? Membership includes unlimited access to aviation information by phone (800-USA-AOPA, weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern time) or from AOPA Online. Have a question for our technical services staff? Contact AOPA.
Education & Seminars
Stay sharp with AOPA's seminars, webinars, podcasts, and videos.
AOPA Rusty Pilots seminars
Jun 11 Greenville, South Carolina; Las Cruces, New Mexico; and Big Bear City, California
Jul 9 Medford, Oregon; and Minden, Nevada
Jul 16 Cheektowaga, New York; and Terre Haute, Indiana
Jul 27 Oshkosh, Wisconsin
For a complete schedule, visit our online Pilot Information Center. (Log in to our online Pilot Information Center using your AOPA website username and password to view these events.)
Upcoming AOPA webinars
Jun 16, 7 p.m. EDT AOPA Air Safety Institute Flight Deck Tech: Flying with datalink weather
Jun 30, 12 p.m. EDT 'Don't Get Rusty' series: Bundle your procedures with Flo-w
Aug 24, 12 p.m. EDT AOPA Rusty Pilots - Webinar edition
See the full webinar schedule in our online Pilot Information Center. (Log in to our online Pilot Information Center using your AOPA website username and password to view these events.) View our recently recorded webinars (registration required).
Latest AOPA Pilot Lounge videos
Building the aviation community—Vermont Aviators Association
New Aerospace Center for Excellence leader Eric Crump
'The Aviators'/'The RVers'/'The Boaters' TV shows' Anthony Nalli
For a full list of Pilot Lounge videos, see the AOPA Live® YouTube channel.
AOPA podcasts
'Ask the A&Ps': 'EGTs are imaginary numbers'
'Hangar Talk': Gyrocopter gurus explain katas of flying
'Pilot Briefing': Week of May 30, 2022
'There I was...': Trevor Peterson
'Never Again': Thunderstorms in the vicinity
To see all AOPA podcasts, visit AOPA Online.
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Flight Training Editors:
Niki Britton
Alyssa Cobb
Lillian Geil
Jim Moore
Jill Tallman

Production Team:
Elizabeth Linares
Melissa Whitehouse
Sarah Deener
Alicia Herron
Dave Hirschman
Tom Horne
Cayla McLeod
Warren Morningstar
Kollin Stagnito
David Tulis
Ian Twombly
Julie Summers Walker
Advertise in Flight Training:
Initial advertising inquiries:
Donna Stoner, 301-695-2336

Eastern and Central United States, Canada, and International:
Jeff Rockwood, 301-695-2089

Western United States:
Jonathan Taylor, 301-695-2338

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