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May 8, 2020, issue of 'AOPA ePilot' weekly newsletter

AOPA ePilot
VOL 22, ISSUE 19 May 8, 2020
Click here for this week's custom content.
Top Stories
Blue Angels, Thunderbirds salute COVID-19 responders
Blue Angels, Thunderbirds salute COVID-19 responders
Here's an airshow fix for you: We capture stunning photos and videos of the U.S. Navy Blue Angels and the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds as they honor "frontline COVID-19 responders and essential workers." Read more and watch the video >
Doctors refine advice for volunteer pilots
Medical advice applicable for all pilots flying passengers is evolving with new knowledge about the coronavirus and the relaxation of social distancing in many locations. Read more >
EAA AirVenture canceled
Cross EAA AirVenture 2020 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, off your list of events: It has been canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic. Read more and watch the video >
Protecting GPS: Senators grill officials on Ligado network plan
Federal approval of a 5G wireless network that critics say could overpower GPS signals on adjacent frequencies came under scrutiny during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on May 6. Read more >
AOPA Live This Week
Team tributes; Bruce's Custom Cover(age)
Watch U.S. military jet demo teams form up together over East Coast cities, and get our latest analysis of the special FAA regulation. Also, inside the decision to scrub EAA AirVenture, and a deep dive into Bruce's Custom Covers. Watch AOPA Live This Week® >
Technique and Safety
CFIs: Don't wait to renew your certificate
If your flight instructor certificate is expiring soon, don't procrastinate. Otherwise, you could face some extra paperwork. Read more >
Online resource
Peak performance
Mountain flying can be exhilarating, but it demands special skills. Explore the challenges and minimize the risks of mountain flying with the AOPA Air Safety Institute's new Mountain Flying Safety Spotlight. Learn more >
Three seconds, three choices
Relinquishing pilot-in-command authority is never a good idea, especially if the airplane you're following disappears in the fog. Watch this AOPA Air Safety Institute Real Pilot Story to learn lessons from a nearly disastrous flight.
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Taming a twin
Flying a twin has its rewards: An extra engine provides extra power and peace of mind on a cross-country flight. But it can also spell extra trouble if one engine quits. Test your single-engine savvy with this AOPA Air Safety Institute quiz.
Read before flight!
The FAA's 94-page special federal aviation regulation on flying during the coronavirus pandemic is complicated. We walk you through scenarios to help you determine what does and does not apply to your situation. Read more >
Flying A to B: Practical considerations during the COVID-19 pandemic
Watch this webinar from AOPA experts to find out what you need to know about the FAA's special rule before you take off during the coronavirus pandemic. Watch the webinar >
Connectivity, technology streamline flight service briefings
Request an initial briefing from Leidos Flight Service and before takeoff receive an update on the latest flight conditions without duplicating the data you already have. Read more >
Daher offers HomeSafe to 2019 TBM 940 owners
Daher announced May 6 that its new HomeSafe emergency landing system will be available to owners of 2019 TBM 940 models. Read more >
'Autonomi' earns praise
After AOPA first flew Garmin's new automated emergency landing system in 2019, some pilots were skeptical, but Fast Company picked Garmin's Autonomi as a finalist for the technology magazine's 2020 World Changing Ideas Awards.
Garmin ending GNS 400/500 WAAS upgrades
Garmin will be ending Wide Area Augmentation System upgrades for the GPS receivers in its popular GNS 430/530 GPS/com navigators and similar products in the GNS 400/500 product line. Read more >
Aircraft Spruce becomes exclusive independent distributor for Hartzell
Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Co. and its subsidiary, Aero Performance, have been named "the exclusive independent distributor" of Hartzell Engine Technologies' products in North America. This includes "HET branded starters and alternators, Sky-Tec starters, Plane-Power alternators, Janitrol Aero cabin heaters, Fuelcraft fuel pumps, and Aeroforce turbochargers."
Mother's Day gift guide: Quarantine edition
Mother's Day is fast approaching, and because of the coronavirus, it's going to look a little different. Here are ideas to help you honor your mom. Read more >
Member benefit
How is the coronavirus affecting used aircraft prices?
Used aircraft prices might decline over time, but in the near term, they are holding steady. Read more >
News and Notes
Eyes on the prize
General aviation pilots delivered ski or snowboard goggles donated through the nonprofit Goggles for Docs to health care workers. Read more >
GA serves as Vermont's test connection
When the lab providing COVID-19 test results for the University of Vermont Medical Center became overwhelmed, a group of pilots stepped in to help alleviate the backlog. Read more >
National Air and Space Museum's curator to be recognized
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum curator Dorothy Cochrane will receive the 2020 Katharine Wright Trophy. Read more >
Honor 2020 graduates
Share with us your favorite picture of a graduating high school or college senior flight student in front of an aircraft so that we can honor the class of 2020 together. Read more >
Career Opportunities
Aviation job board
Job of the week: CFI, Blue Line Aviation
Blue Line Aviation, a fast-growing flight training provider in the Raleigh, North Carolina, area, is seeking a certificated flight instructor with two years of experience to assist in its CFI academy. Read the full description and apply today >
AOPA career opportunities
Join the AOPA team
Ever dream of turning your passion for aviation into a career? AOPA is looking for a member experience senior manager, data analyst, associate developer of safety programs, and government affairs (regulatory) vice president. To learn more about these and other AOPA career opportunities, visit AOPA Online >
Question of the Week

I'm a CFI and CFII in the airplane category. I just completed an online course for a remote pilot certificate and submitted an application in IACRA. Can I self-certify my application, or should I find another CFI to certify it?
FAR 61.195(i) prohibits all self-certification by CFIs. Also, the FAA's ALC-451: Part 107 Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (small UAS) Initial course is required for remote pilot certification. While there are many self-study options from various vendors and organizations, they will not satisfy the certification requirement. Your completion certificate from the FAA and proof of a current flight review will be needed for initial certification. Read the full answer and join the discussion >

This discussion is from our online Pilot Information Center, where you can ask questions, contribute answers, earn badges, and join our growing pilot community online. Got a question for our technical services staff? Contact AOPA.
Education & Seminars
AOPA's educational courses and seminars have been canceled or postponed in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
AOPA Courses and Seminars
Flight Instructor Refresher Courses Canceled through June
Safety Seminars Canceled indefinitely
Rusty Pilots Seminars Canceled through June
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ePilot Editors:
Alyssa Cobb
Jim Moore
Dan Namowitz
David Tulis

Production Team:
Elizabeth Linares
Kristy O'Malley
Erick Webb
Melissa Whitehouse
Mike Collins
Sarah Deener
Chris Eads
Tom Haines
Dave Hirschman
Tom Horne
Warren Morningstar
Kollin Stagnito
Jill Tallman
Ian Twombly
Julie Summers Walker
Advertise in ePilot:
Dan Justman, 301-695-2182

Eastern and Central United States and International:
Jeff Rockwood, 301-695-2089

Western United States:
Tom Linton, 301-695-2055

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