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Training Tip: Stalling for safety

AOPA Flight Training
VOL 21, ISSUE 4 January 22, 2021
Training Tips
Stalling for safety
Sponsored by Aircraft Spruce
Stalling for safety
To stall or not to stall: Sometimes that's a good question. In some aerodynamic scenarios, a stall is the less-worse option. Read more >
Landing at a new-to-you airport
Connecticut's Goodspeed Airport is a relatively short, narrow strip in a steep-sided river valley—and one approach requires flying low over a bridge on final. How would you approach landing there for the first time? Watch the video >
Flight Training News
Branching out
Did you make space among your New Year's resolutions to include aviation goals? Read more >
Always learning
Chart circles
Weather permitting, each weekend one pilot flies at least one friend to bag a chart circle. Read more >
Accident Analysis
Consider the consequences
One message we never tire of repeating is the urgent need to prevent simulated emergencies from turning into the real thing. Some emergency procedures make that easier than others. Read more >
Online resource
Apply for AOPA's primary, advanced training scholarships
If you plan to start flight training, are working on your pilot certificate, or are training for an advanced certificate or rating, AOPA is offering scholarships that could help you achieve your dreams. Learn more >
'Hangar Talk': Pilot Madison Seymour shares successful scholarship tips
Michigan high school senior, private pilot, and AOPA scholarship recipient Madison "Maddy" Seymour shares tips that can make scholarship, college, and job applications shine. Listen to the podcast >
AOPA Live This Week
Sweeps: Not even a hint; Hudson River reprise
AOPA Editor at Large Dave Hirschman resists unrelenting pressure to reveal the AOPA Sweepstakes RV–10 winner, and years of experience make a spectacular New York flyby a little less stressful. Watch AOPA Live This Week® >
Career News
Pilot ranked among 100 Best Jobs of 2021
Making a living as a pilot ranked No. 26 in U.S. News and World Report's 100 Best Jobs of 2021. Read more >
Premier's Diamond sales end 2020 on high note
Premier Aircraft Sales announced stronger-than-expected sales of Diamond Aircraft with deliveries of 11 DA62 twins and 12 DA40 singles, as well as 17 pre-owned models, in 2020. Premier Aircraft Sales President Travis Peffer said the company is "sold out of new models for the first months of 2021."
Improve your flight school's online presence
A flight school's website or social media page should include key information: a program syllabus, pass rate, number of certificates and ratings its students have achieved, and instructors' qualifications, among other facts. Read more >
CARES Act 2.0 impact on commercial aviation
Airline pilot and Flight Training blogger Chip Wright wonders how the most recent Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act will affect commercial aviation in the months ahead. Read more >
Aviation job board
Job of the week: Aircraft mechanic, Metro Aviation Inc.
Metro Aviation Inc. is seeking an aircraft mechanic with exceptional skills for its Part 145 repair station located in Shreveport, Louisiana. Read the full description and apply today >
Training Products and Resources
Runway conditions
We should be familiar with the reporting language used to describe runway landing surface grip. Learn how the Runway Condition Assessment Matrix can help you anticipate braking performance in this AOPA Air Safety Institute video.
Note: Products listed have not been evaluated by Flight Training editors unless otherwise noted. AOPA assumes no responsibility for products or services listed or for claims or actions by manufacturers or vendors.
Member Benefits
AOPA Premier Partner created content
Trouble with the flare?
Here is a simple technique from AOPA Premier Partner PilotWorkshops to help with your landings. Learn more >
Pilot Protection Services
Looking without seeing
These practical tips can help pilots avoid complacency by increasing attention to detail during routine tasks. Read more >
Member benefit
High-time airframe, twin engine replacement
AOPA Aviation Finance Co. President Adam Meredith answers questions about financing an aircraft with more than 10,000 hours on the airframe and financing engine replacements. Read more >
Instrument Tip
'There I was...': Helicopter in IMC
Dennis Martin recounts how he escaped deteriorating weather conditions in half-mile visibility while flying his Enstrom 480B in the latest episode of the AOPA Air Safety Institute's There I was... podcast.
Photo of the Week
Winter wonderland
Winter wonderland
AOPA Senior Photographer Chris Rose braved frigid temperatures to photograph this Remos GX light sport aircraft making easy work of winter weather. Follow @flywithAOPA on Instagram to see more photos from AOPA staff and members.
Final Exam

I am planning to take my checkride next month. The pilot's operating handbook and checklists are cumbersome to flip through on the go. Could I make my own one-pager, leveraging information in the POH? Or does it need to be verbatim to be legal for the checkride?
It does not have to be identical, but it should include all the elements even if you abbreviate some of the verbiage. The FAA's concern is that you use "an appropriate" checklist to ensure all necessary steps have been taken (see the "Use of Checklists" paragraph in the Private Pilot—Airplane Airman Certification Standards, Appendix 6 (page A-17), and FAA Order 8900.1). Join the discussion >

This discussion is from our online Pilot Information Center, where you can ask questions, contribute answers, earn badges, and join our growing pilot community online. Did you know that student pilots who join AOPA are three times more likely to complete their flight training? Membership includes unlimited access to aviation information by phone (800-USA-AOPA, weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern time) or from AOPA Online. Got a question for our technical services staff? Contact AOPA.
Education & Seminars
AOPA's in-person educational courses and seminars have been canceled or postponed in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Stay sharp with our webinars, podcasts, and videos.
Upcoming AOPA webinars
Jan. 27, 7 p.m. EST AOPA Rusty Pilots - Webinar edition
Jan. 30, 6 p.m. EST AOPA Rusty Pilots - Webinar edition
Feb. 4, 12 p.m. EST AOPA Rusty Pilots - Webinar edition
Feb. 10, 7 p.m. EST AOPA Rusty Pilots - Webinar edition
See the full webinar schedule in our online Pilot Information Center. (Log in to our online Pilot Information Center using your AOPA website username and password to view these events.) View our recently recorded webinars (registration required).
Latest AOPA Pilot Lounge videos
John Mohr, Piaggio Royal Gull
CST Flight Services COVID-19 travel guides
Earthrounder, crash survivor, and public speaker Ryan Campbell
George Antoniadis - PlaneSense
You Can Fly Champions
How a PPS panel attorney protects AOPA members
For a full list of Pilot Lounge videos, see AOPA Online.
AOPA podcasts
'Ask the A&Ps': 'Did you float the dog?'
'Hangar Talk': Pilot Madison Seymour shares successful scholarship tips
'Hangar Talk' Flight Time series: Jamie Patterson-Simes
'Pilot Briefing': Week of Jan. 18, 2021
'There I was...': Dennis Martin
'Never Again': Smoke in the cockpit
'Pilot Protection Services Podcast': Predicting the future
To see all AOPA podcasts, visit AOPA Online.
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© 2021 AOPA
421 Aviation Way Frederick, MD 21701
301-695-2375 Fax
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Flight Training Editors:
Alyssa Cobb
Jim Moore
Dan Namowitz
Jill Tallman
David Tulis

Production Team:
Elizabeth Linares
Kristy O'Malley
Melissa Whitehouse
Mike Collins
Sarah Deener
Tom Haines
Dave Hirschman
Tom Horne
Warren Morningstar
Kollin Stagnito
Ian Twombly
Julie Summers Walker
Advertise in Flight Training:
Dan Justman, 301-695-2182

Eastern and Central United States and International:
Jeff Rockwood, 301-695-2089

Western United States:
Tom Linton, 301-695-2055

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