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Training Tip: Missing you

AOPA Flight Training
VOL 21, ISSUE 28 July 9, 2021
Training Tips
Missing you
Sponsored by Aircraft Spruce
Missing you
Do you let someone know where you are going and when you'll be back whenever you go flying? Read more >
Premium content
Aeromedical Factors: The air up there
Private pilots need to know the essentials of supplemental oxygen use, but for most of us this doesn't go beyond memorizing a rule. Read more >
Flight Training News
You Can Fly
Aviation STEM curriculum earns important accreditation
The AOPA Foundation's High School Aviation STEM Curriculum received two accreditation honors from the prestigious independent credentialing and education research organization Read more >
A new twist on an old dream
Jack Brown's Seaplane Base, famed for providing training in Piper J–3 Cubs on floats, has added the sleek Icon A5 amphib to its fleet. Read more >
Always learning
Taxi drama
Gusty winds will make taxiing challenging. Control surface positioning and taxiing at a slow speed are key to safe ground operations. Read more >
What Am I
Blade runner
Aviation propellers have advanced from hand-carved mahogany to metal-clad laminated hardwoods, to aluminum, to traditional composite, and finally to resin transfer carbon fiber. Read more >
Accident Analysis
Just go around
The go-around maneuver is not complicated, but every year pilots crash while aborting a landing, or trying to. Read more >
Sponsored by Sporty's Pilot Shop
Airworthiness records
Learn tips, tricks, and critical information you may have never been taught about airworthiness and maintenance records for owners and renters in this AOPA Air Safety Institute four-part webinar series.
'Hangar Talk': Student pilot, A&P apprentice Meagan Huerta
Student pilot, aviation maintenance apprentice, and scholarship recipient Meagan Huerta sold her motorcycle to pay for flight lessons and markets her artwork to fund her flying bug. Listen to the podcast >
AOPA Live This Week
Dangerous heat; Flamping gourmet
A Colorado crash may be among many mishaps ultimately linked to the Western heat wave. Also, gourmet dining for airplane campers, flying car news, and a long-overdue space shot. Watch AOPA Live This Week® >
Career News
DPE reform report reflects 'clean sheet' approach
The FAA's system for managing its designated pilot examiners could be in for a 12-point overhaul proposed in a study released June 17. Read more >
EAA AirVenture to feature weeklong job fair
From the airlines to general aviation companies, colleges and universities, and the military, more than 20 aviation employers are already signed up to participate in the Aviation Job Fair during EAA AirVenture from July 26 through August 1.
People are coming back
Airports and airplanes are getting crowded again, but that also means short tempers can flare up among air travelers, writes Flight Training blogger and airline pilot Chip Wright. Read more >
Aviation job board
Job of the week: CFII, Upper Limit Aviation Inc.
Upper Limit Aviation in Salt Lake City is hiring a flight instructor to be responsible for ground and flight instruction. Read the full description and apply today >
AOPA career opportunities
Join the AOPA team
Ever dream of turning your passion for aviation into a career? AOPA is looking for an email marketing manager, a data analyst, an editorial assistant, a content producer, and a member services representative. Learn about AOPA career opportunities >
Training Products and Resources
Underwater escape
For many pilots, the prospect of an emergency landing in water is one of the most terrifying things in aviation. Bryan Webster says pilots are right to be afraid. He shares his experience in this AOPA Air Safety Institute Real Pilot Story.
Note: Products listed have not been evaluated by Flight Training editors unless otherwise noted. AOPA assumes no responsibility for products or services listed or for claims or actions by manufacturers or vendors.
Member Benefits
Pilot Protection Services
Just in case
Dr. Jonathan Sackier reminds pilots to bring food, water, and other essentials along when flying in case circumstances turn a one-day trip into an overnight stay. Read more >
Member benefit
How to position yourself in a seller's market
As an aircraft buyer, the best way to position yourself in a seller's market is through a three-pronged strategy of pre-approval, extra liquidity, and nimbleness. Read more >
Instrument Tip
An instrument pilot's holiday
It's vacation time and naturally the aircraft is key to your holiday getaway, to coming back on time, and to making side trips. Are you up for it? Read more >
Photo of the Week
Going big
Going big
Macy's promised the largest fireworks display in the nation on July Fourth, so a pair of pilots hopped in a Cessna Skyhawk and climbed above the Class B airspace, where photographer Filip Wolak captured this overhead view of the show. Follow @flywithAOPA on Instagram to see more photos from AOPA members and staff.
Final Exam

Does a CFII whose flight review has expired but who has renewed his or her flight instructor certificate through a refresher course still have to complete the flight requirements of a flight review? Also, is a CFII who is conducting a flight review for a pilot whose flight review has expired considered the pilot in command and required to have a current flight review and be current with respect to landings?
If the flight instructor renewal was accomplished via a refresher course, it satisfies the ground portion of the flight review, but the flight portion still must be accomplished. Also, if the pilot's flight review has expired, the CFII would be acting as PIC and must have a current flight review. However, having performed three takeoffs and landings in the preceding 90 days would not be required of the instructor. Join the discussion >

This discussion is from our online Pilot Information Center, where you can ask questions, contribute answers, earn badges, and join our growing pilot community online. Did you know that student pilots who join AOPA are three times more likely to complete their flight training? Membership includes unlimited access to aviation information by phone (800-USA-AOPA, weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern time) or from AOPA Online. Got a question for our technical services staff? Contact AOPA.
Education & Seminars
AOPA's in-person educational courses and seminars have been canceled or postponed in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Stay sharp with our webinars, podcasts, and videos.
Upcoming AOPA webinars
Jul 14, 12 p.m. EDT AOPA Rusty Pilots - Webinar edition
Aug 3, 3 p.m. EDT AOPA Rusty Pilots - Webinar edition
Aug 20, 11 a.m. EDT AOPA Rusty Pilots - Webinar edition
Sep 2, 5 p.m. EDT AOPA Rusty Pilots - Webinar edition
See the full webinar schedule in our online Pilot Information Center. (Log in to our online Pilot Information Center using your AOPA website username and password to view these events.) View our recently recorded webinars (registration required).
Latest AOPA Pilot Lounge videos
Hartzell President JJ Frigge talks about new products
'A Pair of Wings' author Carole Hopson
Garmin's Cliff Pemble on earning the Collier Trophy for Autoland
For a full list of Pilot Lounge videos, see AOPA Online.
AOPA podcasts
'Ask the A&Ps': 'An oil filter inspection is non-invasive, unless you're an oil filter'
'Hangar Talk': Student pilot, A&P apprentice Meagan Huerta
'Pilot Briefing': Week of July 5, 2021
'There I was...': John Lancaster
'Never Again': Engine out at night
To see all AOPA podcasts, visit AOPA Online.
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Flight Training Editors:
Alyssa Cobb
Jim Moore
Dan Namowitz
Jill Tallman
David Tulis

Production Team:
Elizabeth Linares
Melissa Whitehouse
Sarah Deener
Tom Haines
Dave Hirschman
Tom Horne
Warren Morningstar
Kollin Stagnito
Ian Twombly
Julie Summers Walker
Advertise in Flight Training:
Initial advertising inquiries:
Donna Stoner, 301-695-2336

Eastern and Central United States, Canada, and International:
Jeff Rockwood, 301-695-2089

Western United States:
Dan Justman, 301-695-2182

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