EAA AirVentureDiesel power at EAA AirVenture, Debonair dazzles
Kestrel's single-engine turboprop delayedKestrel's new single-engine turboprop needs more investment to get off the ground. That from company officials, who reported at EAA AirVenture that substantial progress has been made on design, and toward certification, but a lack of funding has put the program behind schedule. Read more >> EAA AirVenture in pictures
Big jets a no-show at AirVentureMilitary displays and airshow acts were nowhere to be found at EAA AirVenture, thanks to federal budget cuts known as sequestration. Read more >> Rotax 912 iS sips fuel, gains convertsRotax 912 iS engines are dominating the light sport aircraft marketplace. The company has shipped more than 400 of its fuel-injected, computer-controlled engines in the first year. Read more >> No-compromises SuperStol bush plane sells well
Pratt & Whitney celebrates 50 years of PT6 powerThe venerable PT6 by Pratt & Whitney has long since established itself as a major player in the turboprop market. Celebrating 50 years of PT6 power, Pratt & Whitney officials made the rounds at EAA AirVenture, joining various aircraft makers who have put variants of the PT6 to work. Read more >> Jeppesen introduces app for VFR pilotsThe world of iPad applications is dominated by complete, IFR-centric flight planning and mapping solutions. Jeppesen is embracing a different strategy with its new Mobile FliteDeck VFR application. Read more >> Fuller given EAA Chairman's AwardAOPA President Craig Fuller was presented with the EAA Chairman's Award July 30 for his significant contributions to general aviation. Read more >> Flight Design's C4 gearing upFlight Design has chosen Garmin to provide the avionics for its four-seat C4, and is designing a cabin to absorb energy and better protect the pilot and passengers. Read more >> Aspen to offer wireless panel connection with CG50Aspen Avionics is developing a two-ounce device to mount behind the panel that will serve as a wireless hotspot to relay weather information to panel-mounted displays and tablets. Read more >> Quicksilver takes aim at LSA market
Innovators display technology, seek deals at new pavilionAn unmanned aircraft that combines characteristics of an airplane, hang glider, and dirigible; a diesel-electric hybrid amphibian; and Jetman are among the exhibitors granted free space in the EAA Innovations Pavilion, a new feature for EAA AirVenture in 2013. Read more >> AOPA Insurance offers guidance to pilots, ownersAOPA Insurance Services representatives have played instrumental roles in EAA AirVenture 2013 panels, offering advice on insurance protection for pilots and aircraft owners and covering topics that include the right level of aircraft coverage and risk management for aircraft. On Aug. 3, AOPA Insurance expert Cher Clare will offer "A Crash Course in Protecting Your Plane." Read more >> In Earhart's footstepsIn 1937, Amelia Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, flew into history by attempting to circumnavigate the world in Earhart's Lockheed Electra. The airplane disappeared on July 2, presumably somewhere near Howland Island in the South Pacific. Now, a distant relative of Earhart's is on a publicity campaign for her own flight around the world. Read more >> All-electric eSpyder ready for market
SMA introduces beefy dieselSociété de Motorisations Aéronautiques (SMA) introduced a 330- to 400-horsepower diesel-cycle engine at EAA AirVenture 2013 that is expected to be certified in 2015. Read more >> Able Flight graduates get their wings at AirVentureAble Flight, an organization dedicated to helping people with disabilities become pilots, presented wings to its six newest pilots at EAA AirVenture. Read more >> AirVenture in briefEAA AirVenture is known for the products pilots can buy to augment their flying. This year, companies announced products including new water-cooled engines, an Electroair Husky STC, and a Tanis preheat STC. Read more >> More newsECi gets STC for 180-hp O-320 replacement Teachers learn about STEM resources for the classroom Build a Plane teens reunite with the Glasairs they built Hartzell to sponsor Team AeroDynamix Starr Aviation, SAFE partner on Pilot Proficiency Project Debonair Sweepstakes: A Debonair Oshkosh LSA Mall moves indoors, goes virtual Glasair highlights diesel project, teen builders GA NewsBeechcraft King Air deal could total $1.4 billion
Sporty's supports Flying Club Initiative, SummitSporty's has pledged to support AOPA's Flying Club Initiative, a nationwide effort to promote existing flying clubs and launch new ones. In particular, Sporty's will be a co-sponsor of AOPA's Club Connector e-newsletter. As part of the new agreement, Sporty's also will serve as a co-sponsor of the annual AOPA Aviation Summit, which will be Oct. 10 through 12 in Fort Worth, Texas. Read more >> Dynon buys Advanced Flight SystemsThe experimental avionics market has experienced some consolidation in recent years, and Dynon recently added to that trend when it acquired Advanced Flight Systems. Read more >> Secondary screen makes iPad readable in cockpitMyGoFlight's new display makes reading an iPad easier in direct sunlight. Read more >>
Flight Instructor Refresher Courses |
Air Safety Institute Safety Seminars |
For a complete schedule, see AOPA Online. Can't make it in person? Sign up for the Air Safety Institute's new Online eFIRC. |
Topics vary—for details and a complete schedule, see AOPA Online. |
The Small Airplane Revitalization Act, which won swift and unanimous passage in the House of Representatives, has taken another step forward with a favorable vote in a Senate committee. Read more >>
The FAA, vowing to "embrace innovation," has released the report of an industry-led aviation rulemaking committee that recommends ways to overhaul small-aircraft certification rules to double safety and cut costs in half. Read more >>
AOPA, citing the FAA's authority to regulate the nation's airspace, has asked officials in Austin, Texas, to reconsider plans to draft an ordinance that would restrict or prohibit aerial advertising. Read more >>
A newly passed ordinance banning aerial advertising over the America's Cup boat races on San Francisco Bay should be rescinded, AOPA said in a letter to the California city. Read more >>
Learning to fly is a tremendous life accomplishment that can open many doors to learning and adventure. One of the first steps to a private pilot certificate is getting an airman medical certificate. Read more >>
Ever dream of turning your passion for aviation into a career? We're looking for an AOPA Live editor/graphic artist. To learn more about other AOPA career opportunities, visit AOPA Online.
training tipsFixed standards, variable conditions
That's essential prep. Although the practical test standards define acceptable performance, every runway and every set of weather conditions shape what's required to achieve it. How you incorporate that reality into your demonstration will speak volumes about your abilities—and judgment.
Your instructor is playing the role of designated examiner for this rehearsal, saying little but observing closely as you taxi to the runway of the nontowered airport to demonstrate a soft-field takeoff.
It was a wise first step to review the departure process before engine start. The taxi route crosses another runway, requiring care and vigilance. And the takeoff will call for some very specific decisions.
Given today's surface winds, you will take off from 3,200-foot-long Runway 22, which has a displaced threshold and a stand of high trees off the departure end. Also, the other runway intersects it at the approximate point where you will become airborne—something not to overlook when complying with the requirement to use "procedures before taxiing onto the runway or takeoff area to ensure runway incursion avoidance." (In other words, don't just verify "no aircraft on final" on the "active" runway. Give the other runway's traffic pattern equal scrutiny, even if the common traffic advisory frequency is silent.)
As you complete your pre-takeoff checklist, your "examiner" speaks up, asking whether you can use the portion of the runway "behind" the displaced threshold for takeoff.
Don't let the question distract you! At a logical stopping point in your checklist review, explain that "the portion of runway behind a displaced threshold is available for takeoffs in either direction and landings from the opposite direction."
It's a hot day with high density altitude, so those high trees off the departure end are a factor in your planning. For the best safety margin, you have decided that after liftoff at the lowest possible airspeed, as required, you will accelerate to Vx, best-angle-of-climb speed, and maintain it to a safe maneuvering altitude.
A soft-field takeoff under other conditions or from another airport would likely raise a completely different set of considerations for your planning. Soon you will demonstrate to a real designated examiner that you can make the right calls in every instance. training productsFAA offers takeoff safety publicationThe FAA has released the Pilot Guide to Takeoff Safety, created to reduce the number of rejected-takeoff-related accidents by improving the pilot's decision making and associated procedural accomplishment through increased knowledge and awareness of the factors affecting the successful outcome of the "go/no go" decision. AOPA student glossary for general aviationAviation acronyms and terms can be overwhelming for student pilots. So keep this student glossary handy to look up any unfamiliar terms.
Note: Products listed have not been evaluated by ePilot editors unless otherwise noted. AOPA assumes no responsibility for products or services listed or for claims or actions by manufacturers or vendors. final examQuestion: Who was the first person to hold a flight instructor certificate in the United States?
Answer: Arthur Banks was issued the first flight instructor certificate on Sept. 27, 1939, by the Civil Aeronautics Authority. Flight instructor certificates were not granted independently of pilot certificates before 1938. During that time, any pilot with 200 or more hours logged could provide flight instruction.
Got a question for our technical services staff? Email [email protected] or call the Pilot Information Center, 800/872-2672. Don't forget the online archive of "Final Exam" questions and answers, searchable by keyword or topic. |
Picture PerfectAOPA's online photo gallery allows you to upload your own aviation photography as well as view, rate, and comment on others' photos. Your favorite aviation images from AOPA Pilot are still available online through this new gallery. Take a look, and submit your own photos!! |
Engage in AviationCheck out user-submitted events from your region. To include an event or to search all events in the calendar, visit AOPA Online. AOPA does not endorse the events listed below, nor have ePilot editors edited the submissions. AOPA assumes no responsibility for events listed. Northeast aviation eventsAug 3 — Beverly, Massachusetts. Beverly Municipal Airport (KBVY). Beverly Homecoming Week Airport Day. Aug 3 — Danbury, Connecticut. Danbury Municipal Airport (KDXR). Casual Fly-In @ Business Aircraft Center. Aug 4 — Elmira, New York. Elmira Corning Regional (KELM). Fly-in Breakfast. Aug 6 — Wiscasset , Maine. Wiscasset Municipal Airport (KIWI). Wings Over Wiscasset: Voices of Freedom. Aug 10 — Stow, Massachusetts. Minute Man Airfield (6B6). Young Eagles Rally. Aug 10 - Aug 11 — Moravia, New York. Owasco Airfield (Y92). Owasco Airfield Days. Aug 11 — East Windsor, Connecticut. Skylark Airpark (7B6). Corn Roast & Cookout Fly-In.
For descriptions of the events in this region, see the online calendar of events. Eastern aviation eventsAug 3 — Shelby, Ohio. Shelby Community Airport (12G). EAA Chapter 148 Pancake Breakfast and Fly In. Aug 3 — Morristown, New Jersey. Morristown Municipal Airport (MMU). Fly-in/Drive-in for an Open House, Free Lunch and Wings Seminar. Aug 3 — Princeton, New Jersey. Princeton Airport (39N). PALS Fly-In Event. Aug 10 — Smoketown, Pennsylvania. Smoketown Airport (S37). Smoketown Fun Fly In. Aug 10 — Galion, Ohio. Galion Municipal Airport (GQQ). Galion Pancake Breakfast. Aug 11 — Butler, Pennsylvania. Butler County Airport (KBTP). EAA 857 Fly-In Breakfast & Lunch with Young Eagles.
For descriptions of the events in this region, see the online calendar of events. Midatlantic aviation eventsAug 4 — Greenville, South Carolina. Greenville Downtown (KGMU). South Carolina Breakfast Club.
For descriptions of the events in this region, see the online calendar of events. Florida aviation eventsAug 3 — Pompano Beach, Florida. Pompano Beach Airpark (PMP). Fly-in/Drive-in for an Open House, Free Lunch and Wings Seminar. Aug 8 — Stuart, Florida. Witham (KSUA). Stuart Florida IMC Club Monthly Meeting.
For descriptions of the events in this region, see the online calendar of events. Southeast aviation eventsAug 3 — Lawrenceville, Georgia. Briscoe Field (LZU). 1st Saturday Aviation Program & Breakfast. Aug 3 — Chamblee, Georgia. DeKalb-Peachtree Airport (PDK). Fly-in/Drive-in for an Open House, Free Lunch and Wings Seminar. Aug 10 — Williamson, Georgia. Peach State Aerodrome (GA2). Backcountry Operations Refresher Clinic.
For descriptions of the events in this region, see the online calendar of events. Great Lakes aviation eventsAug 3 — Zionsville, Indiana. Indianapolis Executive Airport (KTYQ). 7th Annual Down Syndrome Indiana Open House/Fly-In. Aug 3 — Wheeling, Illinois. Chicago Executive Airport (PWK). Fly-in/Drive-in for an Open House, Free Lunch and Wings Seminar. Aug 3 — West Chicago, Illinois. DuPage Airport (DPA). Fly-in/Drive-in for an Open House, Free Lunch and Wings Seminar. Aug 3 — Shawano, Wisconsin. Shawano City-County Airport (EZS). Shawano Community Fly-Out. Aug 9 - Aug 10 — Zionsville, Indiana. Indy Executive Airport (KTYQ). The Indy Air Race. Aug 10 — Mason, Michigan. Mason Jewett Airport (KTEW). Young Eagles. Aug 10 — Brighton, Michigan. Brighton Airport (45G). BAA Fly-In / Drive-In. Aug 10 — Winn, Michigan. Woodruff Lake Airport (53W). EAA 907 Fly-in/Drive-in Pancake Breakfast. Aug 10 — Greenville, Michigan. Greenville Municipal Airport (6D6). Fly-In, Drive-In.. Aug 10 — Fort Wayne, Indiana. Smith Field Airport (SMD). EAA Chapter 2 Young Eagles Rally. Aug 11 — Sandusky, Michigan. Sandusky City Airport (Y83). Sandusky Dawn Patrol. Aug 10 - Aug 11 — Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Stevens Point Municipal Airport (KSTE). Private/Sport Pilot Weekend Ground School. Aug 11 — La Crosse, Wisconsin. La Crosse Municipal Airport (KLSE). Aviation Day & Flying Waffles Breakfast.
For descriptions of the events in this region, see the online calendar of events. Midwest aviation eventsAug 3 — Ellsworth, Kansas. Ellsworth Municipal (9K7). Cowtown Fly In. Aug 8 — Olathe, Kansas. Johnson County Executive Airport (KOJC). Airspace and Airport Operations.
For descriptions of the events in this region, see the online calendar of events. Southwest aviation eventsAug 3 — Spring, Texas. Hooks Memorial Airport (DWH). Fly-in/Drive-in for an Open House, Free Lunch and Wings Seminar. Aug 3 — Pineville, Louisiana. Pineville Municipal Airport (2L0). Pancake Breakfast. Aug 3 — Addison, Texas. Addison Airport (ADS). Fly-in/Drive-in for an Open House, Free Lunch and Wings Seminar. Aug 3 — McKinney, Texas. Collin County Regoinal at McKinney (TKI). EAA Chapter 1246 1st Saturday Coffee and Donut Fly-In.
For descriptions of the events in this region, see the online calendar of events. Central aviation eventsAug 4 — Red Cloud, Nebraska. Buster Lewis Feild (7V7). Red Cloud Fly-in. Aug 10 — Erie, Colorado. Erie (EIK). Spirit of Flight Center Rods & Wings. Aug 11 — Vermillion, South Dakota. Harold Davidson Field (KVMR). Airport Breakfast. Aug 11 — Flandreau, South Dakota. Flandreau Airport (4P3). Airport Breakfast.
For descriptions of the events in this region, see the online calendar of events. Western aviation eventsAug 3 — Las Vegas, Nevada. McCarran Int'l Airport (LAS). Fly-in/Drive-in for an Open House, Free Lunch and Wings Seminar.
For descriptions of the events in this region, see the online calendar of events. California aviation eventsAug 3 — Chino, California. Chino Airport (KCNO). Living History Event - Whistling Death: Solomon Islands. Aug 3 — Fort Jones, California. Fort Jones/Greenviewe (A30). Scott Valley Fly-In. Aug 3 — Santa Monica, California. Santa Monica Municipal Airport (SMO). Fly-in/Drive-in for an Open House, Free Lunch and Wings Seminar.
For descriptions of the events in this region, see the online calendar of events. Northwest aviation eventsAug 3 — Renton, Washington. Rainier Flight Service (KRNT). FREE Pacific Northwest Mountain Flying Workshop. Aug 10 — Prineville, Oregon. Prineville Airport (S39). Wings and Wheels.
For descriptions of the events in this region, see the online calendar of events. Hawaii aviation eventsNo events have been submitted for Hawaii through next weekend. Submit your own in the online calendar of events. Alaska aviation eventsNo events have been submitted for Alaska through next weekend. Submit your own in the online calendar of events. |
QUIZ ME!Here's an edited question asked by an AOPA member who contacted our aviation services staff through the AOPA Pilot Information Center. Test your knowledge.
Question: What is a through-the-fence agreement?
Answer: Some airport users have aircraft storage facilities that are located off the airport property. For example, there may be a series of hangars on a parcel of land that is adjacent to the airport's land. While this opens up greater opportunities for airport access, it could pose a serious challenge to future airport development. For that reason, sponsors of publicly owned general aviation airports enter into a residential through-the-fence (RTTF) agreement with airport users who park their aircraft off airport property. The agreement ensures that the future development and viability of the airport is protected while allowing direct access to the airport from adjacent property. Learn more about how residential through-the-fence access may affect your airport on the FAA's website.
Got a question for our aviation services staff? The AOPA Pilot Information Center is a service available to all members as part of the annual dues. Call 800/USA-AOPA (800/872-2672), or email to [email protected]. |
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